The Time Lord Academy, also known as the Time Academy (WC: Shada) or the Academy of Time, (PROSE: Heart of TARDIS) was a school located at the foot of Mount Cadon (PROSE: The Three Paths, AUDIO: Devil in the Mist) most young Time Lords attended to further their educations.
Each of the Gallifreyan chapters was represented by a college, (PROSE: The Ancestor Cell) including the Prydonian Academy (PROSE: Timewyrm: Revelation) and the Academy of the Patrexes. (PROSE: Damaged Goods)
Location and architecture
The Academy was a self-contained city annexed to the Capitol. It covered twenty-eight miles of Gallifrey's surface.
The Academy had glass turrets, with covered walkways linking them, the dormitories, lecture halls, TARDIS bays and scaphe ports. (PROSE: Divided Loyalties)
During Romana II's presidency, in her first term of office, (AUDIO: The Eleven) she changed the laws to allow human, Monan, Nekkistani, Yevnon and Sunari students study at the Academy. (AUDIO: Insurgency)
It was during this time that the Academy was damaged by a terrorist attack, (AUDIO: Imperiatrix) and then the Gallifreyan Civil War. (AUDIO: Fractures, Warfare)
Due to President Livia's policies, the Academy was empty of students during the Last Great Time War. (AUDIO: Partisans)
According to the Tenth Doctor, children "were taken from their families at the age of eight" to begin their instruction. Part of the initiation into the academy involved looking into the Untempered Schism. (TV: The Sound of Drums)
A selection of the applicants was held. (TV: Listen) At the induction ceremony for the Academy all Time Lords said:
- "I swear to protect the ancient Law of Gallifrey with all my might and brain. I will to the end of my days, with justice and with honour temper my actions and my thoughts." (TV: Shada)
Upon admission recognition codes were sewn into a Time Lord's DNA (PROSE: Interference - Book One) that allowed them safe passage through the Time Vortex. (PROSE: Christmas on a Rational Planet)
There was a TARDIS cradle in the Time Lord Academy for students who had formed a symbiotic bond. (AUDIO: The Apocalypse Element)
Time Lords spent "centuries" at the Academy. (COMIC: Mortal Beloved)
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Branches of knowledge taught in the Time Lord education system included botany, (PROSE: Wooden Heart) thermodynamics, (TV: Time and the Rani) cybernetics, (TV: Destiny of the Daleks, The Armageddon Factor) cosmic science, (TV: Terror of the Autons) Veteran and Vintage Vehicles, Gallifreyan flutterwings, (TV: The Pirate Planet) Paradox Declension, (PROSE: Scratchman) stellar engineering, (PROSE: Original Sin) and spatial cartography. (AUDIO: The Beginning)
The Eleventh Doctor told John Jones that he came in fourth place 900 years earlier in the Time Lord Academy Sprint Championship. (COMIC: Space in Dimension Relative and Time)
Time Lords — or at least the First Doctor — rode Vortisaurs bareback at the Academy. As a result, the Doctor gained a lot of knowledge about Vortisaurs by his eighth incarnation. (AUDIO: Storm Warning)
To graduate they were tested, with a pass rate of 51% (such as that achieved by the Doctor), up to a "Triple First" grade (like Romana I), and could take the test more than once if necessary, with the result being confidential. (TV: The Ribos Operation)
Chapters and classes
Each of the six Chapters was represented by a college in the Time Lord Academy, (PROSE: The Ancestor Cell) including the Prydonian Academy (PROSE: Revelation) and the Academy of the Patrexes. (PROSE: Damaged Goods) Genniploritreludar was the Academy's Arcalian lecturer. (PROSE: Original Sin)
The Doctor's class
The Doctor belonged to the Prydonian Chapter. (TV: The Deadly Assassin et al.)
His class at the Academy had 26 members. Three of them had prematurely retired and two were dead by the Doctor's seventh incarnation. (PROSE: Lungbarrow)
At the Academy, a group of students, called the Deca, named themselves Theta Sigma (the Doctor), Koschei (the Master), Mortimus (the Monk), Ushas (the Rani) and Magnus (the War Chief). (PROSE: Divided Loyalties)
Tebediatroculozan attended the Academy at the same time as the Doctor. (PROSE: Seven Deadly Sins)