Dårlig Ulv-Stranden — which, according to non-Norwegian speaker, Rose Tyler, meant "Bad Wolf Bay" — was a bay fifty miles outside Bergen in Norway on the alternate Earth dubbed "Pete's World". It was notable for being the place where the Tenth Doctor and Rose said their first "final" farewells to each other. (TV: Doomsday) Rose later called it the location of "the worst day of [her] life". (TV: Journey's End)
After the War in the Medusa Cascade, the Doctor took Rose back to Bad Wolf Bay with the Meta-Crisis Doctor and Jackie. The Meta-Crisis Doctor elected to stay with Rose. The two shared a kiss as the Doctor and Donna departed in the TARDIS. (TV: Journey's End)
Behind the scenes
Lost in translation
Although a reasonable name from an artistic standpoint, Norwegian speakers have noted several real world difficulties with the name.
- Despite actor pronunciation in the episodes featured, it is actually pronounced "Dorli Ulv-Stranden".
- The adjective "dårlig" can be literally translated as "bad", but its meaning is either "poor in quality" or "feeling bad; as in feeling sick", rather than the context the Bad Wolf entity entails. A better translation might have been "Slemulvbukten" or "Styggulvbukten".
- Strand actually means "beach" or "seacoast" not "bay".
- A strictly literal translation of "Dårlig Ulv Stranden" might be "The poor wolf-beach".
- The actual meaning (possibly in an alternate reality version of Norwegian) is "Bad Wolf Shore", Where "Dårlig" means "Bad" in Danish, "Ulv" means "Wolf" in Danish and "Stranden" means "Shore" in Swedish.
However, the name given does have the virtue of being a double-pun. As the Doctor points out, "Dårlig" is phonetically similar to "Dalek", while "Stranden" refers to Rose's situation: stranded in a parallel universe.
Other matters
- To date, only the Dårlig Ulv-Stranden located on Pete's World has ever been seen or referenced; whether it also exists in the main Earth of the Doctor Who universe is unclear. According to Google Maps there is no Dårlig Ulv Stranden in Norway.
- The beach was filmed in Southerndown beach, in South Wales, which was later used as the surface of Alfava Metraxis in The Time of Angels/Flesh and Stone, as a meeting place between Jimmy Wicks' ganger and his son, Adam in The Almost People and as the engine room of the Silurian Ark in Dinosaurs on a Spaceship. It was also used as the setting of the restaurant that overlooked the Singing Towers of Darillium, where River Song's final meeting with the Twelfth Doctor took place. (TV: The Husbands of River Song)