The Scorchies Show was a 1970s television show made by a group of Scorchies which consisted of Mr Grizzfizzle, Cool Cat, Professor Baffle, Amble the Ugly Doll and some Magic Mice. (AUDIO: The Scorchies) The series only seemed to be concerned about having fun with its viewers, as opposed to other certain series. (PROSE: Writer's Notes)
The Scorchies travelled from planet to planet, using the show to hypnotise the native population. Once everyone was under their control, they would burn the planets. After doing this for hundreds of years, they brought the show to Earth. (AUDIO: The Scorchies)
The show often had celebrity guest stars. (AUDIO: The Scorchies, PROSE: Writer's Notes) All of the show's guest stars did three things: tell a story, make a thing, and sing a song.
The Scorchies did many stunts, such as setting themselves on fire, shooting themselves out of cannons, and dropping weights on each other.
Jo Grant did not like Space: 1999 but preferred it to The Scorchies Show.
Jo infiltrated the show's studio during the live filming of the season finale and defeated the Scorchies with the help of the Third Doctor. (AUDIO: The Scorchies)
However, this was not the end of The Scorchies Show on Earth, as by the 21st century, James Goss had written about how the series was still pertinent, and how he recommended viewers to find clips of the series of YouTube to fall into states of "lovely nostalgic hypnosis", and act that "Spell Cat" was likely forcing him to do. (PROSE: Writer's Notes)
In one episode, Delia Smith baked a Soufflé with Amble the Ugly Doll.
In another, Angela Rippon taught Cool Cat the foxtrot.
Bernie Winters appeared in an episode.
Jo infiltrated the show's studio during the live filming of the season finale and defeated the Scorchies with the help of the Third Doctor. (AUDIO: The Scorchies)
Behind the scenes
According to James Goss' in-universe writer's notes, one episode involved Alvin Stardust getting covered in spaghetti bolognese.