An untitled back-up comic story was printed within Titan's Doctor Who: The Tenth Doctor Year Three issue twelve. Created by Rachael Smith, the artist and writer had previously hinted on Twitter her interest in the Rani as a potential comic character.[1] The Rani's appearance in the comic is noteworthy, as most Tenth Doctor fiction beforehand had treated the appearance of another Time Lord as a narrative taboo.
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for other, similarly-named pages.
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to be added
- The Rani wears a floral dress.
- She considers the Doctor's new regeneration to be "scrawny little thing."
- The Rani is collecting her favourite Earth plant life. A "marginal error" in her fertilizer causes them to grow giant and move. She creates an antidote to shrink them in the time the Doctor spends coming up with the idea.
- The Rani considers humans to be a "reckless race."
- The Doctor marvels at the Rani having "a hobby" and admires her brain.
- He gives Rose a rose.
- The Rani's TARDIS creates the traditional "vworp vworp" noise given for materialisation in comics.
- With several references to Mark of the Rani and no direct reference to Time and the Rani, this story presumably take place before the Rani causes the Sixth Doctor's regeneration.
- The Rani refers to the last companion she met being able to "speak properly," referring to either Peri Brown or Melanie Bush. (TV: The Mark of the Rani, Time and the Rani)
- The Rani wears her dark blouse and her TARDIS is again a grey box. (TV: The Mark of the Rani)
- The Rani refers to "her planet," presumably meaning Miasimia Goria. (TV: The Mark of the Rani)