User talk pages which are located at [[User talk:User name]] and are for communicating with users on this wiki.
Talk pages should only be used for comments related to this wiki. Any page-specific discussion should be on that page's talk page, or if more wiki-wide scope taken to the forums.
Keep in mind our no personal attacks policy when commenting or leaving a message on a talk page.
Using and usage[[edit source]]
You can add a new subsection to someone's talk page using the "Add topic" button at the top of the page.
Leave your message and sign it (~~~~).
If your message needs a reply they will reply on your talk page.
Do not delete your any comments you have left on a user's talk page. This is vandalism. Talk pages be they on pages or user pages are often a useful source of information when trying to track backwards to track the history of discussions. We have archiving policies regarding talk pages.