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Peanuts were a snack enjoyed by Freddie Maxwell. This proved to be his downfall. Jorjie Turner found a data chip containing his business data, which had evidence of his criminal activities, under his bowl of peanuts. Thorne was angry to find that that was where he kept the chip, but Freddie defended himself, saying that he never knew that someone would look under his peanuts. (TV: Robot Gladiators [+]Loading...["Robot Gladiators (TV story)"])
Some humans were allergic to peanuts, which the Twelfth Doctor once joked about. (TV: Under the Lake [+]Loading...["Under the Lake (TV story)"])
Simon and Joan offered their guests peanuts. (PROSE: Lant Land [+]Loading...["Lant Land (short story)"])
When the Tenth Doctor acquired a Xerobian Quantisized Radiant Core Monitor, he noted its physical similarity to a peanut. Combined with its tendency to call him "sir", he named it Marcie. (COMIC: Vortex Butterflies [+]Loading...["Vortex Butterflies (comic story)"])
US President Jimmy Carter was once a peanut farmer. (PROSE: The Assassin's Story [+]Loading...["The Assassin's Story (short story)"])