- You may wish to consult
Seven Systems (disambiguation)
for other, similarly-named pages.
The Seven Systems was an area of space in which Gallifrey and Levithia were located, (PROSE: The Twins in the Wood [+]Loading...["The Twins in the Wood (short story)"]) as Gallifrey was known as the "Shining World of the Seven Systems". (TV: The Sound of Drums [+]Loading...["The Sound of Drums (TV story)"])
Black hole drives were banned in every corner of the Seven Systems. (COMIC: Pirates of Vourakis [+]Loading...["Pirates of Vourakis (comic story)"])
Peri Brown, as a Warrior Queen, ruled the planet Krontep and its Seven Systems, and was personally the Governor of seven worlds. (PROSE: Bad Therapy [+]Loading...["Bad Therapy (novel)"])
Cosmic Nine news reporter Adriana Jarsdel told Timothy Eve that while she hadn't exactly set the Seven Systems on fire, she knew how to do her job. (AUDIO: The Bleeding Heart [+]Loading...["The Bleeding Heart (audio story)"])
Ix Prime had a "Seven Systems", but after generations of families sent out probes to find intelligent life came back with nothing, they deemed the Seven Systems lifeless and focused their attention "inwards". They created a new planet, perfect for life, within a pocket universe and watched a new form of life evolve there. (PROSE: Caged [+]Loading...["Caged (novel)"])