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From Tardis Wiki, the free Doctor Who reference
Revision as of 17:55, 24 November 2010 by (talk) (→‎History)

The Sycorax were a superstitious race of warriors, characterized by their skeletal faces.


The Sycorax had both an endo- and exoskeleton. This exoskeleton covered part of their head (giving them a skull-like appearance), while the rest of their face was exposed muscle. This exoskeleton could vary in appearance, from a smooth, skull-like shape (DW: The Christmas Invasion) to a more jagged, horned shape. Some Sycorax also had long flowing hair. (DWM: The Widow's Curse) Sycorax could live for up to 400 years. (REF: Doctor Who: The Visual Dictionary)


The Sycorax were organised into the Sycorax empire, subdivided into large tribes. Among the Sycorax tribes were the Halvinor Tribe and the Astrophia Tribe. (REF: Doctor Who: The Visual Dictionary, Agent Provocateur)

Sycorax had a sense of honour and pride, with some respect for the laws of combat. Leadership was earned by trials of strength and combat. Sycorax wore skull-helmets to impress their enemies, and red-robes as a sign of leadership. They would take trophies of body parts from conquered races, such as bones, skin or hair. For example, some wore belts of Judoon skin. (REF: Doctor Who: The Visual Dictionary) Men also wore the ribs of their wives as a marriage bondage. (DWM: The Widow's Curse)

The native language of the Sycorax was Sycoraxic. (DW: The Christmas Invasion)


Though they had advanced technology such as interstellar space travel and energy whips, the Sycorax were still a superstitious race who believed in magic and witchcraft. (DW: The Christmas Invasion) The Sycorax worshipped the god Astrophia. (DWF: The Final Darkness) Sycorax had many ancient rituals involving the suns and moons. As such, they left a hole in their space-ships for the solar and lunar light to get in. (REF: Doctor Who: The Visual Dictionary) Some Sycorax worshipped in churches. (DWM: The Widow's Curse)

The Sycorax females. (DWM: The Widow's Curse)


Despite being spacefaring, many Sycorax relied on simple tools, such as swords and knives. Sycorax weapons were generally adorned with trophies. (REF: Doctor Who: The Visual Dictionary)

The Sycorax used asteroids as spacecraft, which were fitted with an All Speed Inter-System Type K engine to move them. The first of these asteroids was the home-world of the Sycorax, the Fire Trap. More asteroids were added later on by other tribes, creating the Sycorax Armada. They used teleporters to move Sycorax in and out of the ship. (REF: Doctor Who: The Visual Dictionary) They could also detect energy signatures, allowing them to identify more advanced technology. (DW: The Christmas Invasion, DWF: The Final Darkness) They also had crystal ball-like devices which functioned as Black Box recorders, allowing later viewings of the events. (DWM: The Widow's Curse)

The Sycorax also used energy whips, which could destroy all the flesh in someone's body, leaving only burnt bones. During the invasion of Earth, the Halvinor Tribe also used blood control. (REF: Doctor Who: The Visual Dictionary) They had the capability to translate the languages of other species. (REF: The Time Traveller's Almanac)


At some point in Sycorax history, an alien spaceship crashed into the Fire Trap, the home of the Sycorax. They used its engines to turn their asteroid into a spaceship. Many tribes left their home region in their asteroid ships to explore space, as well as to conquer and enslave other planets, expanding the empire. (REF: Doctor Who: The Visual Dictionary)

In 102 A.D., the Sycorax were among the races who joined the Alliance. They came to Stonehenge and helped imprison the Doctor in the Pandorica in order to"save" the Universe. (DW: The Pandorica Opens)

At Christmas 2006 a Sycorax asteroid ship inhabited by the Halvinor Tribe entered the Solar system. When the space probe Guinevere One crashed into the ship, they used the blood sample for blood control, threatening to kill everyone with A+ blood unless they were given half the population as slaves. The Doctor (who had just regenerated) and his allies Mickey and Rose were inside his TARDIS. The Sycorax picked up a signal from the TARDIS' advanced technology and teleported them to their ship. The Doctor activated the blood control, knowing human survival instincts would cause its hold to be broken. The Doctor then challenged and defeated their leader in a sword duel, forcing the Sycorax to leave Earth and Humanity alone. However, as the Sycorax ship was leaving Earth, Harriet Jones ordered Torchwood to fire at it with a previous salvaged alien ray weapon, destroying it. (DW: The Christmas Invasion) The Sycorax used an on-board energy detectors to detect this threat. They realized that they would die and so placed a curse upon Earth. (DWF: The Final Darkness)

In 2010, a Sycorax was seen at the Zaggit Zagoo bar when the Doctor came to visit Jack Harkness one last time before his regeneration. (DW: The End of Time)

The Sycorax returned to Earth in the late 21st century with hostile intentions but returned home after a short time. (NSA: Snowglobe 7)

During the 41st century, the Astrophia Tribe died out during the Valhalla wars. The Doctor and Martha Jones encountered a lone survivor of the tribe, a hunter collecting the last members of several extinct species. (IDW: Agent Provocateur)

Legend has it that Sycorax will survive till the end of the universe along with Humans. (DWF: The Sycorax, IDW: Agent Provocateur)

Other References

  • In 1599, the Sycorax became the inspiration for a character in a William Shakespeare's The Tempest, when the Doctor noted how an animal skull reminded him of that of a Sycorax in Shakespeare's presence. (DW: The Shakespeare Code)

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