Creet was a young human boy who grew up on the planet of Malcassairo, and was due to fly to Utopia. He helped out at the refugee base. (DW: Utopia)
Martha Jones, Thomas Milligan, and Professer Alison Docherty set a trap for one Toclafane by using a powerful electric current to bring it down, just like Martha saw with lightning when she travelled the world. They open it up, and see a distorted human-like face, surrounded by machinery. When the Toclafane talks about the 'skies being made of diamonds', she remembers Creet saying this about Utopia, and realises that the Toclafane are humans. When the Paradox machine is destroyed, Creet and the rest of the Toclafane are trapped at the other side of the universe. (DW: Last of the Time Lords)
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