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Regarding Christopher ecclestons feelings towards doctor who and his attitude towards not wanting to return, what is your opinion of this? This is a general discussion for anyone to use, that's why I used the term you. --Coop3 ☎ 15:09, August 24, 2013 (UTC)
I can understand why Christopher Eccleston does not want to return to Doctor Who. I think that the main reason is because it's been eight years since he last played the Ninth Doctor. He's since moved on and the show has changed so much since 2005. If the BBC was prepared to do a proper multi-doctor special, then they would ask all eight surviving Doctors to return, not just the three most recent ones. Lego Whovian ☎ 23:49, September 19, 2013 (UTC)
It would have been best to go after all the living Doctors. Simply state that the regenerations age while they are within the Doctor.
Eccleston may feel slighted, people really don't appreciate his Doctor enough. 2005 seems like it should have had more production value for its time. So I have a feeling the series started off on the cheap end. The production value looks straight 90s but it was 2005. Eccleston had to carry the show but doesn't get any credit because.... Billie Piper's Rose Tyler
Rose Tyler has overshadowed 9th Doctor. Rose has been back a ton and has long been a fan favorite and is among the top companions. If the overwhelming sentiment was Piper was the better of the duo. I wouldn't want to come back either. Piper went on to be a Doctor Who Icon while Eccleston is a nice clif note.
It is important that he was asked back. It may lend some knowledge to Hurt Doctor. Its a shame really... I would have loved to see Eccleston's goofy smile one more time.--The Messenger John Tyler ☎ 03:08, September 29, 2013 (UTC)
Eccleston is my 2nd favorite Doctor after Matt Smith. I think maybe 9th Doctor was a little niche and at the time most fans didn't want a full on renegade style Doctor. That's just my guess though, i didn't watch it back then and only was introduced to Eccleston when the series was on PBS for a very short run. Jedted ☎ 05:49, December 26, 2013 (UTC)
It'd be great if one day Christpher Ecclestone's current opinion of the show just turned out to be an act and he made a return. But sadly I don't think that will happen. to me 14:18, January 1, 2014 (UTC)
Perhaps in 10 years or so he'll have cooled down a bit and he'd be willing to come back. Tom Baker never returned to the show until the 50th anniversary right? I don't know different his reasons are from Eccleston's but there's always a chance. Jedted ☎ 00:29, January 2, 2014 (UTC)
Tom baker didn't want to return because he felt that he hadn't been away from the show that long. Unfortunately, christohpers reasons are not as nice. --Coop3 ☎ 01:31, January 2, 2014 (UTC)
Coop3: Tom Baker did decide not to take part in The Five Doctors for that reason. He has also said several times since then that he came to regret his decision. People's attitudes can change & Eccleston's might eventually. If it does, I really hope he doesn't find himself having to wait as long as TB did for a proper anniversary special (i.e., not something like Dimensions in Time) in which he can return.
The Messenger John Tyler: It's always a bit difficult to disentangle cause & effect in these things but I suspect that Rose now seems to overshadow Nine because (a) she appeared for longer, (b) she had a really heart-rending departure & (c) she has returned a few times. In the Series 1 episodes themselves, she doesn't seem (to me) to overshadow him. She does, though, very definitely have far more prominence than almost any of her predecessors -- because RTD & company were correcting what they regarded as a flaw in the classic series: the "sidelining" of the companion. (For the record, I agree that it was a flaw & think they were right to correct it.)
Jedted: Eccleston is my 3rd favourite, after David Tennant & William Hartnell. The problem (for Eccleston's popularity) with Tennant is that he was not only very good in the role but was also playing a more personable version of the Doctor: easier to be comfortable with. Nine wasn't very easy to be comfortable with -- but he wasn't meant to be! The contrast is heightened by proximity, with Tennant immediately following Eccleston. You may well be right that "at the time most fans didn't want a full on renegade style Doctor" but Eccleston played that Doctor superbly. -- to me 22:24, January 24, 2014 (UTC)