Autonomy was the thirty-fifth novel in the BBC New Series Adventures series. It was written by Daniel Blythe and featured the Tenth Doctor.
Blythe had previously written for the Virgin New Adventures.
Publisher's summary[[edit] | [edit source]]
Hyperville is 2013's top hi-tech 24 hour entertainment complex — a sprawling palace of fun under one massive roof. You can go shopping, or experience the excitement of Doomcastle, WinterZone, or Wild West World. But things are about to get a lot more exciting — and dangerous...
What unspeakable horror is lurking on Level Zero of Hyperville? And what will happen when the entire complex goes over to Central Computer Control?
For years, the Nestene Consciousness has been waiting and planning, recovering from its wounds. But now is ready, and its deadly plastic Autons are already in place around the complex. Now more than ever, visiting Hyperville will be an unforgettable experience.
Plot[[edit] | [edit source]]
to be added
Characters[[edit] | [edit source]]
Worldbuilding[[edit] | [edit source]]
- The Doctor mentions the old TV test card and the "credit crunch".
- The Doctor mentions Disneyland and Blackpool's "Golden Mile".
- The Doctor has trouble getting the pink wedge in Trivial Pursuit.
- The Doctor mentions the "Wookiee Prisoner Trick" from Star Wars.
- The Doctor once visited Dargeb IV and Ororous.
Books[[edit] | [edit source]]
- The Fat Controller from the Thomas the Tank Engine franchise is mentioned.
Individuals[[edit] | [edit source]]
- Chantelle confuses John Wayne with Bruce Wayne.
- The Doctor references watching David Hasselhoff sing twice at the fall of the Berlin Wall.
Technology[[edit] | [edit source]]
- The robot witches in the Doomcastle uses gas-jet levitation to stay afloat.
- The Doctor calls the Snow Queen robot in the WinterZone an 'animatronic sychro-thresp'.
Television series[[edit] | [edit source]]
- The X Factor is explicitly mentioned.
- A television is showing Deal or No Deal.
Fashion[[edit] | [edit source]]
- In the mid-22nd century and the 23rd as well, the 1970s are in again.
Food and Beverages[[edit] | [edit source]]
Notes[[edit] | [edit source]]
- This book continues the theme of the 2009 novels of featuring returning monsters. It also continues the trend of the Tenth Doctor travelling without a companion.
- This story was also released as an ebook available from the Amazon Kindle store.
- The Doctor wears his brown pinstripe suit despite the cover showing him in his blue suit.
- The image of Hyperville on the cover of the book appears to be the City of Arts and Sciences in Valencia, later used as a filming location for a colony planet in Smile.
Continuity[[edit] | [edit source]]
- The Doctor refers to defeating the Nestenes numerous times before. (TV: Spearhead from Space, Terror of the Autons, Rose, PROSE: Business Unusual, Synthespians, COMIC: Façades, Plastic Millenium, AUDIO: Brave New Town)
- Captain Erisa Magambo and UNIT are called in to clean up the Autons. (TV: Planet of the Dead)
- Henrik's department store has an outlet in Hyperville. (TV: Rose)
- The Doctor compares the winter section of Hyperville to Snow globe 7 (AUDIO: Snowglobe 7)
- The Doctor recalls encountering rogue Autons that were randomly activated after several years. (AUDIO: Brave New Town)
- The Doctor clicks his fingers to shut the TARDIS' doors, commenting that he's getting better. (TV: Forest of the Dead)
Audiobook[[edit] | [edit source]]
- This novel was released as an audiobook in July 2010 by BBC Audio and read by Georgia Moffett.