Dan Dare is a science fiction comic series created by Frank Hampson and originally published in Eagle, beginning in its first issue, released on 14 April 1950. The series has since appeared in various other magazines, such as 2000 AD and a Virgin Comics series, as well as being adapted into radio plays and television series, among others.
- You may be looking for the titular character.
The series stars various the titular character of Dan Dare, his batman Digby, and his arch nemesis, the Mekon.
Crossover[[edit] | [edit source]]
The series was featured alongside Doctor Who in the 60-page crossover comic The Totally Stonking, Surprisingly Educational And Utterly Mindboggling Comic Relief Comic [+]Loading...["The Totally Stonking, Surprisingly Educational And Utterly Mindboggling Comic Relief Comic (comic story)"]. This appearance featured direct interactions between the cast of Dan Dare and several incarnations of the Doctor, along with their respective companions.
References to Dan Dare in the DWU[[edit] | [edit source]]
To be added
Other connections[[edit] | [edit source]]
Cast and crew connections[[edit] | [edit source]]
- Eric Eden assisted on art for the original Frank Hampson strips and later took over writing them in 1959. Frank Bellamy was an artist on the strips at that time. Dave Gibbons was an artist on the strip for 2000 AD. Pat Mills and John Wagner wrote the strip for the relaunched Eagle. Grant Morrison wrote a Dan Dare strip for Fleetway Publications.
- Dare was played by Noel Johnson on Radio Luxembourg and by Ed Stoppard in Big Finish Productions' series.
Production connections[[edit] | [edit source]]
- Andrew Skilleter named Who Dares Publishing by combining the names Doctor Who and Dan Dare with an added "s". (REF: Blacklight)
- Lex Christian from the novel The Dying Days takes his name from the chaplain character that evolved into Dan Dare during development of the strip.
- In 2016, Big Finish Productions began releasing a series of Dan Dare audio plays. Despite the one-time crossover between Dan Dare and the Doctor Who universe, they were not marketed by Big Finish as in any way connected with their plentiful library of Doctor Who audio dramas.