An untitled short story was published on 13 October 2011 in The Brilliant Book 2012. While it was left untitled on the story's page, the contents page titled it Just a Minute....
to be added
- William Shakespeare became the new boss of EastEnders.
- Dinosaurs Have Got Talent was a talent show.
- Jane Austen wrote for Emmerdale.
- Henry VIII lived with all six of his wives.
- Sherlock Holmes was a host on Detects Factor for ITV 1.
- Emily Bronte and Joan of Arc hosted Loose Women.
- Elizabeth I was voted the most popular Queen England.
- Elizabeth I was in a relationship with the Earl of Essex.
- Winston Churchill, Vincent van Gogh, and Napoléon Bonaparte all follow Cleopatra on Twitbook.
to be added
to be added