Kirby Buckets is a children's live action television series created by Gabe Snyder and Mike Alber which was broadcast on Disney XD. The series stars primarily follows the titular main protagonist of Kirby Buckets, a boy who dreams of becoming an animator and interacts with his cartoon creations, as well as his best friends of Fish and Eli. The third series had the protagonist banned from drawing ever again, but after various events, his parents were sent to an alternate dimension, with Kirby going on a quest to find them.
Crossover[[edit] | [edit source]]
The series was among various Disney XD shows to briefly cross over with the Doctor Who universe in an untitled promotional video created to promote Doctor Who's arrival on the North American version of the channel.
The promo involved the Tenth Doctor and Rose Tyler piloting the TARDIS as it flew through or landed in various locales from Disney XD's library of shows from the time. The third place it visits is the school from Kirby Buckets, with the TARDIS landing in the canteen. One of Kirby's friends tells him that it looks just like his drawing, with Kirby remarking that "that's weird".
Kirby and his friends appear through the use of archival footage, although the TARDIS drawing would appear to have been created specially for the video.
Other connections[[edit] | [edit source]]
to be added