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Miranda has several meanings pertinent to the Doctor Who universe and the real world. They are listed below in alphabetical order by surname.
In-universe[[edit] | [edit source]]
- Miranda the Ursulan (PROSE: Beyond the Sun, AUDIO: Beyond the Sun)
- Miranda Cleaves and her Ganger clone (TV: The Rebel Flesh / The Almost People)
- Miranda Dawkins, the Eighth Doctor's adopted daughter (PROSE: Father Time et al)
- Miranda Evenden, a reporter (AUDIO: Cuddlesome)
- Miranda Gerhardt, the wife of Bruce Gerhardt, a man taken over by the Master (TV: Doctor Who, PROSE: The Novel of the Film)
- Miranda Pelham, a writer (PROSE: Tomb of Valdemar)
- Miranda, Princess Strella's maid (PROSE: The Trials of Tara)
Behind the scenes[[edit] | [edit source]]
Actors[[edit] | [edit source]]
- Miranda Raison, best known for playing Tallulah in TV: Daleks in Manhattan / Evolution of the Daleks and Constance Clarke in the Big Finish Main Range.
- Miranda Borman, who played Stellar in TV: Dragonfire
- Miranda Keeling, who played Rachel McMahon in AUDIO: House of Blue Fire and several characters in AUDIO: UNIT: Dominion
- Miranda Hart, who played herself in a comedy sketch
Titles[[edit] | [edit source]]
- Miranda (comic story), a spin-off comic book series featuring Miranda Dawkins.