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Popeye (character)

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Popeye (character)

Popeye was, by differing accounts, either the eponymous character from the comic strip of the same name, (PROSE: Time and Relative [+]Loading...["Time and Relative (novel)"]) or a real individual who fought with Brutus. (GAME: TV Comic's Counter Game [+]Loading...["TV Comic's Counter Game (1967 game)"], TV Comic's Counter Game [+]Loading...["TV Comic's Counter Game (1968 game)"]) He had massive biceps. (PROSE: Father Time [+]Loading...["Father Time (novel)"])

You may wish to consult Popeye (disambiguation) for other, similarly-named pages.

Popeye enjoyed spinach and had a girlfriend called Olive Oyl. (PROSE: Wooden Heart [+]Loading...["Wooden Heart (novel)"])

Biography[[edit] | [edit source]]

Popeye fighting with Brutus. (GAME: TV Comic's Counter Game [+]Loading...["TV Comic's Counter Game (1968 game)"])

Popeye once fought with Brutus, during which the Keystone Kops may have arrested Brutus. (GAME: TV Comic's Counter Game [+]Loading...["TV Comic's Counter Game (1967 game)"])

Popeye glares back as the Diddymen help Brutus out of a hole. (GAME: TV Comic's Counter Game [+]Loading...["TV Comic's Counter Game (1968 game)"])

During the Diddymen's hike, they may have helped Brutus out of a hole, with Popeye glaring back at them. (GAME: TV Comic's Counter Game [+]Loading...["TV Comic's Counter Game (1968 game)"])

When Basil Brush went rent collecting, Popeye may have fed him spinach, with Basil proceeding to move further along the path and collect rent. (GAME: Basil Brush goes Rent Collecting [+]Loading...["Basil Brush goes Rent Collecting (game)"])

Popeye steering TV Comic. (GAME: TV Terrors Autograph Hunt [+]Loading...["TV Terrors Autograph Hunt (game)"])

While the TV Terrors were hunting for autographs, Popeye may have taken them sailing ahead in the ship TV Comic. (GAME: TV Terrors Autograph Hunt [+]Loading...["TV Terrors Autograph Hunt (game)"])

Other references[[edit] | [edit source]]

The Tenth Doctor described Popeye as being "hopelessly addicted to spinach and skinny women." (PROSE: Wooden Heart [+]Loading...["Wooden Heart (novel)"])

Behind the scenes[[edit] | [edit source]]

Popeye is the main character of the Popeye series.

External links[[edit] | [edit source]]

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