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Swarm may refer to:
Individuals[[edit] | [edit source]]
- Swarm, the Ravager, brother to Azure, servant of Time and enemy to the Fugitive and Thirteenth Doctors. (TV: The Halloween Apocalypse, etc.)
- The Swarm, an intelligent virus faced by the Fourth Doctor. (TV: The Invisible Enemy)
Groups[[edit] | [edit source]]
- A species of alien "Stingrays", collectively referred to as "the Swarm". (TV: Planet of the Dead)
- A mysterious swarm of creatures who existed in the Time Vortex. (PROSE: Something at the Door-)
- "The Swarm" formed by the Hornets fought on multiple occasions by the Fourth Doctor. (AUDIO: The Stuff of Nightmares, etc.)
Concepts[[edit] | [edit source]]
- Swarm (formation), the general concept of a disorderly swarm of beings.