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If you're proposing a name change to an article that is completely uncontroversial use {{speedy rename}}. That usage will then populate the list before, and admin will know what to change. However, if the rename is at all questionable, please use {{rename}}, instead.

This is a dynamic list of all pages that use {{speedy rename}}. Unlike the category associated with the ordinary {{rename}} template, however, this page provides all the information an admin needs to make a decision about moving a page. Importantly, it shows the admin whether the target page name is a redlink, what the proposing user says needs to be done about the links, and what actually needs to be done about the links. It also gives a link to the proposing user's talk page, in case the admin needs to discuss the matter further, or inform the user that their request has been denied.

Any admin can move a page where the value of "links moved?" is 0. However, if there are actually more than 10 outstanding links, then you might want to consider letting CzechBot or SV7 take care of the link moves.

You should use {{speedy rename}} only in accordance with its instructions. Principally, this means that the rename should be non-controversial, and a clear case of moving according to our naming and disambiguation policies.

The list

When the list is unpopulated, it completely disappears.
Old name New name Links moved? Proposed by
Draconian Prince Draconian Prince (Frontier in Space) SOTO says no. In fact, there are

9 links to Draconian Prince remaining

Kyla Kyla (Freaky Foolsday) SOTO says no. In fact, there are

6 links to Kyla remaining

Sweetie Sweetie (Vortex Butterflies) SOTO says no. In fact, there are

50 links to Sweetie remaining

Sweetums Sweetums (Vortex Butterflies) SOTO says no. In fact, there are

47 links to Sweetums remaining

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