Tardis:Magazine issues

From Tardis Wiki, the free Doctor Who reference
Articles about issues of magazines must, for technical reasons, follow a strict — but easy-to-understand — naming convention.

Outside of this wiki, the usual way of referring to the 273rd issue of a magazine is to write it thus: [Magazine name] #273. This nomenclature is denied us in the MediaWiki software that underpins this wiki, however. The # character in a link tells the software a link to a section of an article. So while DWM #273 creates a blue link and appears to work, it is actually linking to DWM and looking for the section called "273". Thus, it produces a false blue link. This phenomenon is perhaps easier to see with a red link. [[DWM Issue #273]] creates a red link — DWM Issue #273 — because it's actually linking to the article DWM Issue (which doesn't exist) and looking for the section named "273".

Because of this technical condition, there is a need for magazine issues to be named in a certain way. The rule is this:

Take the indicia title of the majority of issues in the run, make an exact acronym of it, then add the issue number.

Hence, the 273rd issue of Doctor Who Magazine becomes DWM 273. And because the name is based on the name in the majority of issues, we have DWM 12, not DWW 12. Easy.

Also, if there are instances where the acronym of the publication's title wouldn't be clear, the two digits of the year of first publication are appended. For example, the American Doctor Who comic book was a publication that began in 1984. To abbreviate to DW would be ambiguous as there are several American comic books with the title Doctor Who. Calling it "DWUS" would likewise be ambiguous, because . . . there are several American comic books with the title Doctor Who. Thus, we have to go to the only thing that truly distinguishes the publications: the year. The 15th issue of the Marvel US Doctor Who comic is therefore DW84 15.


On rare occasions we may make exceptions to the general rule of using an exact acronym of the indicia title.