Cathica Santini Khadeni

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Cathica Santini Khadeni was a journalist on Satellite Five. Cathica desperately wanted to be noticed for her work, especially in the Spike Room, and was appalled when Suki Macrae Cantrell was promoted to Floor 500 first. Although initially resistant to the Doctor's coaxing about what was actually wrong with Satellite Five, her journalistic instincts served her well when she made her own way to Floor 500 and discovered the truth about what was really in control of Earth - the Jagrafess. Linking via her implanted chip to an abandoned Spike Room, Cathica disconnected the other Spike Rooms' news feed and raised the temperature on the Floor 500. This broke the link between the Jagrafess and the zombie humans operating the computers and eventually caused the creature to explode, taking the contents of Floor 500 with it, including The Editor. Cathica remained on Satellite Five, determined to return the Earth Empire's news-gathering to more honest, investigative ways. (DW: The Long Game)