The Unicorn and the Wasp (TV story)

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The thrill is in the chase, never in the captureAgatha Christie


In 1926, Agatha Christie mysteriously disappeared, only to be found ten days later, with no memory of what has happened. Was it a nervous breakdown? A cry for help? Or perhaps a giant alien wasp..?


The Doctor and Donna Noble arrive at a dinner party hosted by Lady Eddison and her husband, Colonel Hugh. One of the guests is none other than Agatha Christie. Looking at a newspaper, the Doctor finds that it is December 8, 1926, the day of Agatha Christie's disappearance. Just as this revelation is made, another guest, Professor Peach, is found, dead, in the library by Eddison's friend and companion Miss Chandrakala. He was murdered with a lead pipe.

At the scene, Donna comments on the similarity to Cluedo. The Doctor finds "morphic residue" on the floor while examining the scene, meaning that one of the guests isn't human. Agatha discreetly removes a fragment of paper from the grate on the fireplace.

Aided by Agatha, the Doctor interviews the guests while Donna goes looking for clues. During the interviews, while the guests recount their stories, flashbacks reveal that each is hiding something, except Rev. Golightly.

Lady Eddison claims to be have been taking tea, though she was in fact surreptitiously consuming liquor. Robina Redmond, a socialite, claims to have been using the toilet, but is shown loading a tiny pistol there. Roger Curbishley, Lady Eddison's son, claims to have been walking, alone, failing to disclose he was attending a tryst with his gay lover, Davenport, one of the servants. Colonel Hugh Curbishley claims he was reading military memoirs in the study, though he was actually viewing erotica while fantasizing about can-can dancers.

After the interview, Agatha Christie produces the paper she removed earlier which contains the letters "a-i-d-e-n", preceded by one illegible letter. "N? or M?" asks the doctor; Agatha points out that it obviously spells the word "Maiden", although neither is able to divine its significance.

When Donna investigates a locked room in which Lady Eddison had sequestered herself for six months, while allegedly recovering from malaria, she is alarmed by a giant wasp outside the window. Donna uses a magnifying glass to focus the sun's rays on it, injuring it and allowing her to flee. The insect chases her, impaling its stinger on a door.

Davenport is in the kitchen, speculating about why someone would want to kill Professor Peach. Miss Chandrakala is also there, and dismisses this as "dead man's folly" until she suddenly realises exactly what Professor Peach was doing. Rushing off to warn Lady Eddison, she is killed when an unseen figure hurls a gargoyle from a ledge.

Hearing her scream, the Doctor, Agatha and Donna rush outside; Miss Chandrakala dies on the scene, cryptically offering "The Poor Little Child" as her last words. Seeing the Vespiform hovering above the building, the Doctor gives chase, but loses the creature in a hall. When The Doctor shouts "show yourself," all of the doors open and every suspect appears.

While the three mull over the evidence they've gathered thus far, and Donna accidentally gives Agatha the idea for Jane Marple, the Doctor is poisoned with cyanide. Fortunately, an odd combination of ingredients (ginger beer, walnuts, salt (anchovies) and a shock (a kiss from Donna)) allow him to neutralise the poison and expel it from his mouth in the form of smoke. In return, the Doctor "poisons" the guests' dinner with pepper; naturally this is not harmful to humans, but is poisonous to wasps. A buzzing sound can be heard moments later, at which Lady Eddison exclaims, "It can't be!" The lights are blown out by a sudden wind and they again fail to ascertain the identity of the alien. Roger, Lady Eddison's son, is murdered in the confusion, and Lady Eddison's necklace, 'The Firestone', is stolen.

In the sitting room, the Doctor and Agatha reveal several secrets about the guests and hosts. Robina Redmond, one of the guests, is a thief, the titular 'Unicorn', who coveted the Firestone and stole it in the confusion; however, she is not the killer. The truth of Lady Eddison's bout of malaria is also revealed; she was actually pregnant, and not by another human being. The alien was a Vespiform, and gave her the Firestone necklace. The necklace is psychically linked to their son, whom she had given up for adoption and never seen again. Her son is revealed to be Reverend Golightly.

Golightly killed Professor Peach when he learned that he had discovered the adoption paperwork. Hence the word "Maiden" on the paper Agatha plucked from the grate had in fact said "Maiden Name".

Because Lady Eddison had been reading The Murder of Roger Ackryod when his alien biology was first awakened in a moment of anger, Golightly accidentally received the the works of Agatha Christie as his template for how the world should work, hence the style of the murders.

Now enraged once more at being discovered, Golightly assumes his wasp form. Agatha snatches the Firestone, screaming that her mind - that which had taught the Vespaform to kill, will find a way to destroy him. Golightly pursues her, as her thought patterns are linked to him through the Firestone. She takes a car and drives away, hysterically repeating "It's all my fault." The Doctor and Donna follow her in another car, with the Doctor ominously warning that "time is in flux" - that there is no guarantee that Agatha will survive, which could leave history severely damaged.

Agatha leads the creature to a lake. The Doctor tries to persuade Golightly that he was not meant to kill but he does not listen and Donna hurls the necklace into the water. Golightly pursues it and drowns, like his father in the Indian monsoons.

Still linked to the necklace, Agatha nearly dies, but Golightly unaccountably chooses to release her as his last act. The psychic trauma causes retrograde amnesia, and the Doctor deposits her at the Harrogate Hotel ten days later, fulfilling the demands of history.

In the TARDIS, the Doctor produces one of Agatha's novels, and points to the copyright page in the front. The publication date is listed as the year five billion; Agatha Christie is quite literally the most popular writer of all time. The novel in question is Death in the Clouds a novel which features a wasp. Agatha Christie... remembered.


Production crew

To be added


  • Donna jokingly/sarcastically comments on the likelihood of meeting Charles Dickens and "ghosts" on Christmas day. Thereby accidentally referring to the events of DW:The Unquiet Dead.
  • When Doctor remembers being in Belgium, he is wearing the same clothes and had the same equipment that he had at the end of Blink.
  • Donna compares her fiance's conspiracy with the Empress of the Racnoss to Agatha's marital troubles.
  • So far each companions present for the last new series (With the exception of Mickey and Adam Mitchell) have kissed the Doctor, this episode making Donna's first. Jack Harkness kissed the Doctor (and Rose) farewell whilst on the Gamestation, Cassandra kissed the Doctor while posessing Rose Tyler's body, the Doctor kissed Martha Jones to confuse the Judoon's scanners and Astrid Peth kissed the Doctor twice during the course of whilst on the Titanic.
  • The Doctor brings out the Carrionite sphere and a Cyberman logo in a chest of things beginning with C.
  • This is not the first occurrence of interspecies intercourse. Bernice Summerfield gave birth to a half Kiloran, half human child and Jason Kane had several dalliances with several alien species.
  • Donna inadvertently causes the creation of Miss Marple and the story of the murder in the Orient Express. (Though probably only a minor incident as Agatha apparently forgets much of the events)

Story Notes

  • Some of these characters resemble Cluedo characters.
    • Clemency Eddison resembles Mrs Peacock
    • Robina Redmond resebmles Miss Scarlet
    • Colonel Hugh Curshiby resembles Colonel Mustard
    • Professor Peach resembles Professor Plum
    • Miss Chandrakala resembles Miss White
    • Reverend Arnold Golightly resembles Reverend Green
  • David Tennant's father makes a cameo as a footman.
  • There are quite many references to titles of the books of Agatha Christie.
  • Christopher Benjamin has appeared in Doctor Who before in DW: Inferno and in The Talons of Weng-Chiang,
  • The Doctor's description of his cyanide poisoning as involving "inhibited enzymes" approximates the actual mechanism of cyanide toxicity. Cyanide inhibits the enzyme aa3 by binding to the iron that it contains, reducing the ability of the cell use oxygen to create the compound ATP, used for cellular energy transfer. Since Ninety Five percent of ATP production in the Human body (and presumably also Time Lords) is aerobic, this produces mortality via energy starvation. The Doctor's method of uninhibiting the enzymes is nonsense however.


to be added


to be added

Filming Locations

to be added

Discontinuity, Plot Holes, Errors

  • The room which Lady Eddison had locked is claimed to be 40 years old in 1926., in this room there is a teddy bear, however, Teddy bears were introduced around 1906 only 20 years ago not 40.
  • The car by the lake abandoned by Agatha Christie does not look anything like the car she really owned. We don't know who the car belonged to at the end, she just got in and drove off. Also, the car was really found in a chalk pit. The Doctor could have engineered that later on, just has he engineered Agatha's transportation to the hotel.
  • Agatha Christie disappeared on the 8th of December, yet the garden is a nice summer setting and almost completely blooming.
  • The "thieves in the night" at the church seemed to be committing their crimes in broad daylight. Probably, Golightly was adapting 1 Thessalonians 5:2 - "for you know very well that the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night".
  • Why was Roger murdered? This accomplished nothing. The vespiform wasn't able to hold it's human form due to being poisoned by pepper. It may have become angry or frightened and reacted by randomly killing one of the diners, or it may have chosen to kill Roger out of jealousy (since they were half-brothers).
  • Additionally, Davenport's on-screen reaction to the murder seems to be more puzzlement than grief, which is extremely odd considering he has just lost his lover. Donna, apparently having returned from comforting him, angrily comments in the next scene that Davenport cannot grieve properly because of prevailing social attitude. Perhaps his public composure was maintained at great effort to comply with social expectation. Or it could just be bad acting.
  • Agatha mentions her extensive study of poison, claiming that cyanide poisoning is invariably fatal, in reality it can be countered by several methods, including the administration of nitres, hydroxocobalamin or certain chelants. It is surprising that she sniffed the drink, hydrogen cyanide is one of many poisons that can readily be absorbed via inhalation.


  • This is the third time that the Doctor has told a companion not to imitate an accent/dialect of certain time/place on Earth. The first was Rose doing a (poor) Scottish accent in DW: Tooth and Claw and the second was Martha imitating Elizabethan English in The Shakespeare Code.
  • In BFA: Terror Firma the Doctor claims that Agatha Christie traveled with him.

DVD and Other Releases

  • It will be released as part of the complete fourth series boxset in November 2008.
  • It will be released as part of Series 4 Volume 2 on 7th July, alongside The Sontaran Stratagem, The Poison Sky and The Doctor's Daughter.

See also

to be added

External Links

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