Pete's World

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Pete's World is the Doctor's name for the alternate universe that the TARDIS accidentally fell into.

Pete's World is similar to the normal universe, though slightly more advanced. Much of the world's technology is provided by Cybus Industries, a company run by John Lumic. This includes the Zeppelins and EarPods. Politically, Britain became a republic sometime after 1879, which led to the election of a British President, the instigation of a curfew and the banning of alcohol.

Alternate versions of inhabitants of this universe

Pete Tyler was a successful business-man in this universe, though he had never had any children. He ran Vitex, a subsidiary of Cybus Industries.

Ricky Smith worked with the Preachers and was a wanted criminal. The Preachers were trying to stop Cybus Industries' experiments on the poor, which were actually early attempts to make Cybermen. (DW: Rise of the Cybermen, The Age of Steel) Unfortunately, Ricky died, leaving the Preachers without a leader. Mickey, Ricky's double from the other universe, joined the Preachers, and Jake became the new leader.

Behind the Scenes


  • It's rumoured that Pete's World will crash with ours releasing the Daleks, Cybermen and creating another rip in time that will send out hundreds of monsters
  • In Journey's End it is said that the two worlds will collide and tear the universe in two.