Talk:Pete's World

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cutting and pasting timeline[[edit source]]

the entries for 2006, 2007, etc. have a detailed account of events on Pete's World so I suggest a cut-and-pasting of sections from there with a re-direct from those entries to here. current history mainly involved a detailed re-telling of individual episodes in a little too much detail. --Stardizzy2 17:22, 11 September 2008 (UTC)

Earth[[edit source]]

"Pete's World" is the name of the universe, surely? This article is almost exclusively about the Earth of Pete's World. Shouldn't that information be at Earth (Pete's World)?--The Traveller 12:27, 8 March 2009 (UTC)

I've never liked the term "Pete's World". It's always sounded rather silly to me. Something like "Earth (Cybus Version) or something like that would be better. Monkey with a Gun 21:06, 9 March 2009 (UTC)

Ricky and Jake[[edit source]]

I must have missed the part in the episodes where Ricky and Jake had a sexual relationship? Is anyone able to elaborate? 06:22, 12 March 2009 (UTC)

Wow. Yeah, that's a new one on me, too. I'm going to have to call "no way" on that one unless somebody can provide a source. Monkey with a Gun 06:26, 12 March 2009 (UTC)
Looking through the history of the article it seems to have something to do with deleted scenes on the DVD release. Are deleted scenes canon? Regardless, it needs explanation within the content of the article in my opinion. 07:00, 12 March 2009 (UTC)
It does indeed come from the deleted scenes, but on the other hand it underlines Jake's strong reaction to Ricky's death. His histrionics aren't really consistent with just losing a friend. Still, deleted scenes don't "count", so what we're left with his a sorta "inexplicably inconsolable" Jake. CzechOut | 05:57, January 28, 2010 (UTC)
Well it is still part of the storyline is it not? And has just been cut because of the length of the Episode BBC wants them to have. ANd the way how it is written in the article seems to me to be perfect to make it understand that it is not part of the actual story --Kaysi 07:02, January 28, 2010 (UTC)

Timeline[[edit source]]

It's said in the article that the timeline in Pete's World is 3 years in advance. Considering travel between worlds, time and the TARDIS, I think it's safe to assume they are not having a time continuum that is 3 years in the future, but that the Doctor just happened to enter 3 years ahead of the time of the present earth.

My point is I think it should be rephrased to state something like "When the Doctor first ended up in Pete's World, they had also travelled 3 years in the future of that world." Leord 00:16, October 4, 2009 (UTC)

Well, I generally avoid trying to make sense of Pete's World but I'll take a stab.
Actually, it doesn't say the world is three years ahead, it says time runs ahead. This always annoys me because it is barely touched on in the show (count the seconds) but stray dialogue from everytime Pete's Worlders show up seems to mean more time has passed for them than in Dead Pete's World. The Doctor won't create a hasty explanation and they don't seem to care. Given that it seemed to become asynchronous after the Doctor visited, he really should speculate. --Nyktimos 05:34, October 4, 2009 (UTC)
I would say Timeline can not be followed so we maybe should say technology is more advanced in pete's world --kaysi 10:00, October 4, 2009 (UTC)
Well, as the article correctly points out now, the Doctor did not not originally arrive 3 years ahead of the normal universe's Earth. Rise of the Cybermen happens in "February of this year", according to Mickey, which is usually interpreted as February 2007, thanks to the "one-year-later thing" of Aliens of London. It's only when we hit Army of Ghosts that we get the 3-years-later bit of Pete's World. Which makes a bit of sense, as Mickey does look at least 3 years older, somehow, and the technology in use is more advanced than "real" Earth's.
There's absolutely no problem in believing Pete's World 3 years ahead of normal Earth, at least as far as I can figure. The advance of time was necessary to explain that Mickey was at a substantially different place than we last saw him. He hasn't just dabbled around for a month or two in the alternate universe. He's been on a hard slog for years, travelling that globe and shutting down Cyberfactories. Same's true of Pete. He's been using the Torchwood of that world to develop effective tech. And as he noticed Cybermen slipping through the Void, he had to come up with a way to follow them. So time's again needed from Rise of the Cybermen to Army of Ghosts to explain where Pete, Jake and Mickey are in their lives, and why Pete in particular is willing to sacrifice the normal world for Pete's world. He's been at this for three long years, people. Of course he's cynical.
The really interesting thing about the 3-year-gap thing isn't that it makes it difficult to understand a Pete's world timeline, but rather that it creates interesting anomaly. Whereas Mickey and Rose were the same age as of Age of Steel, their relative ages did not stay fixed thereafter. By the time of Army of Ghosts, he's clearly older than her. Indeed, as of Jouney's End, he's a lot closer to Martha's age than Rose's. The 3-year-gap thing helps explain why the relationship with Rose just wouldn't have worked out, and, I think, why Martha became a realistic option. CzechOut | 07:00, January 28, 2010 (UTC)

Pop Culture similarity between Pete's world and the real world[[edit source]]

While a bit on the trivial side, there was a reference made by Pete about "Scooby Doo and the Van," inferring the cartoon "Scooby Doo" was also a relatively popular cartoon on Pete's World. While not familiar with North American history in Pete's world (other than Arizona being part of the United States of Mexico), I assume there is a version of Hollywood that produced a Scooby Doo cartoon.

Page rename/cleanup/split[[edit source]]

100% unnecessary for two pages that are basically the same concept. The only place seen in any Pete's World story is Earth, and at least on TV, just London and the beach, that's why it comes off as interchangeable. For all intents and purposes, it is. -- Tybort (talk page) 23:45, 30 November 2023 (UTC)

I disagree. A timeline/universe is a wholly separate concept to that of a planet. One is a temporal sequence of cause and effect and one is a spatial location.
A timeline/universe page should describe the prominent species and locations within said universe, as well as the main events that shape said universe. A page for a planet should describe, in more detail, the species and locations on the planet, and a detailed history of the planet. The pages should serve distinct purposes.
There is a reason we have Category:Parallel universes/Category:Alternate timelines separate from Category:Alternate Earth. 00:19, 1 December 2023 (UTC)
The locations within the universe are: Earth, primarily London. The prominent species, at least in the media I'm familiar with, are: humans and Cybermen with human brains implanted in them. This is what I'm getting at. What distinct purpose? -- Tybort (talk page) 04:52, 1 December 2023 (UTC)
For one, discussing the lack of the Doctor. But, even if there isn't much to add about species and/or locations, the timeline/universe page should be separate, as we do have information about potentially how the universe "split" from the "prime" universe.
Even if the page is only a couple of paragraphs long, it should be separate. A page shouldn't cover both a timeline/universe and a planet. Even just with categories, it's messy. 05:32, 1 December 2023 (UTC)
I agree with Epsilon, even a short page saying that this is the parallel universe where Pete's World existed would be enough. There wouldn't have to be any significant duplication of info, just a summary of the planet in question. I've always found it somewhat confusing that the universe and planet share a page. Danochy 01:28, 5 December 2023 (UTC)