User:SGCommand/Antagonists/Doctor Who
From Tardis Wiki, the free Doctor Who reference
Season 1
- Rose - The Autons led by the Nestene Consciousness
- The End of the World - Lady Cassandra
- The Unquiet Dead - The Gelth
- Aliens of London/World War Three - The Slitheen
- Dalek - A lone Dalek
- The Long Game - The Jagrafess with the Editor
- Father's Day - The Reapers
- The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances - The "Empty Child" plague
- Boom Town - Margaret Blaine
- Bad Wolf/The Parting of the Ways - The Daleks led by the Dalek Emperor
Season 2
- The Christmas Invasion - The Sycorax
- Attack of the Graske - The Graske
- New Earth - The Sisters of Plenitude
- Tooth and Claw - The Host with the Brethren
- School Reunion - The Krillitanes
- The Girl in the Fireplace - Clockwork Androids
- Rise of the Cybermen/The Age of Steel - The Cybermen led by John Lumic
- The Idiot's Lantern - The Wire
- The Impossible Planet/The Satan Pit - The Beast
- Love & Monsters - Victor Kennedy
- Fear Her - N/A
- Army of Ghosts/Doomsday - The Cybermen followed by the Cult of Skaro
Season 3
- The Runaway Bride - The Empress of the Racnoss
- Smith and Jones - The Plasmavore with the Slabs
- The Shakespeare Code - The Carrionites
- Gridlock - The Macra
- Daleks in Manhattan/Evolution of the Daleks - The Cult of Skaro with their Pig slaves
- The Lazarus Experiment - Professor Lazarus
- 42 - The Torajii Sun with Hal Korwin
- Human Nature/The Family of Blood - The Family of Blood
- Blink - The Weeping Angels
- Utopia/The Sound of Drums/Last of the Time Lords - The Master
Season 4
- Voyage of the Damned - Max Capricorn
- Partners in Crime - Miss Foster with the Adipose
- The Fires of Pompeii - The Pyrovile
- Planet of the Ood - Ood Operations led by Klineman Halpen
- The Sontaran Stratagem/The Poison Sky - The Sontarans
- The Doctor's Daughter - General Cobb
- The Unicorn and the Wasp - The Vespiform
- Silence in the Library/Forest of the Dead - Vashta Nerada
- Midnight - An unnamed creature
- Turn Left - The Time Beetle
- The Stolen Earth/Journey's End - The Daleks led by the Supreme Dalek with Davros
The 2008 & 2009-10 Specials
- The Next Doctor - Miss Hartigan with the Cybermen
- Planet of the Dead - The Swarm
- The Waters of Mars - The Flood
- The End of Time - The Time Lords led by Rassilon
Season Five
- The Eleventh Hour - Prisoner Zero
- The Beast Below - N/A
- Victory of the Daleks - The Daleks
- The Time of Angels/Flesh and Stone - The Weeping Angels
- The Vampires of Venice - The House of Calvierri led by Rosanna Calvierri
- Amy's Choice - The Dream Lord
- The Hungry Earth/Cold Blood - The Silurians
- Vincent and the Doctor - The Krafayis
- The Lodger - The Auto Pilot
- The Pandorica Opens/The Big Bang - The Time Field (caused by the TARDIS exploding)
Season Six
- A Christmas Carol - N/A
- The Impossible Astronaut/Day of the Moon - The "Silence"
- The Curse of the Black Spot - The Siren
- The Doctor's Wife - House with Nephew
- The Rebel Flesh/The Almost People - Jennifer Ganger
- A Good Man Goes to War - Madame Kovarian
- Let's Kill Hitler - Melody Pond
- Night Terrors - N/A
- The Girl Who Waited - N/A
- The God Complex - The Minotaur
- Closing Time - The Cybermen with the Cybermat
- The Wedding of River Song - The "Silence" with Madame Kovarian
Season Seven
- The Doctor, the Widow and the Wardrobe - N/A
- Asylum of the Daleks - Unknown at present
- Dinosaurs on a Spaceship - Unknown at present
- A Town called Mercy - Unknown at present
- Cubed - Unknown at present
- Episode Five - Unknown at present
- Episode Six - Unknown at present
- Episode Seven - Unknown at present
- Episode Eight - Unknown at present
- Episode Nine - Unknown at present
- Episode Ten - Unknown at present
- Episode Eleven - Unknown at present
- Episode Twelve - Unknown at present
- Episode Thirteen - Unknown at present