23rd century

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Years of interest

The 23rd century was when global warming finally caught up with the Earth. Three-quarters of the planet's landmass was drowned by water. Humans built islands and colonised parts of the oceans for research and other uses. London was totally flooded. (VG: TARDIS, Shadows of the Vashta Nerada) Venice prepared to finally submerge into the waters of the Laguna. (BFA: The Stones of Venice)

Adding to Earth's suffering was a fifty year war between humanity and what were quite possibly the Daleks.[statement unclear] (PDA: Salvation)

Late in the century, the First Doctor landed his TARDIS near the Mechanoid City on the planet Mechanus, where a human captive, Steven Taylor, was held prisoner. After a fight between the Mechanoids and the Daleks, Steven Taylor left the planet in the TARDIS. (DW: The Chase)

Elsehwere on Earth, the underwater base Poseidon 8 was invaded by the Vashta Nerada, infected with an illness and attacked by a rampaging alien shark after the USS Eldridge nearby released a burst of vortron radiation. During an unknown Yuletide season, the Eleventh Doctor found a cure for the illness, while Amy helped him send the shark and Vashta Nerada back to their rightful times and places. (VG: Shadows of the Vashta Nerada)

The Great Recession occurred during this century and went on to affect much of Mutter's Spiral. The resulting economic difficulties coupled with technical issues surrounding the planned atmospheric ionisation technique led to the Martian terraforming project being cancelled. Although the plan was altered so as to create several artificial suns and place them in orbit around Mars, it never got off the drawing board due to the high financial cost involved. (BFA: Deimos)

During this century, the Fourth Doctor travelled to the planet Aprillia III in a parallel universe. While there, he met Captain James T. Kirk, Mr Spock, Dr. Leonard McCoy and Montgomery Scott of the Federation starship USS Enterprise and assisted them in defeating a Cyberman invasion of the planet. (IDW: Assimilation²)