23 July

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23 July




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On 23 July 1794, the First Doctor, Susan Foreman, Ian Chesterton and Barbara Wright arrived near Paris. The Doctor was actually aiming his TARDIS for London, 1963. The TARDIS crew found an old safe house being used by a group of French counter-revolutionaries. When revolutionaries surrounded the house, they killed their enemies and, thinking them among the counter-revolutionaries, took the Doctor's companions hostage as proof as their conquest. The revolutionaries set fire to the house, not knowing that the Doctor himself lay unconscious in it. (TV: "A Land of Fear")

Fortunately, Jean-Pierre recovered the Doctor from the fire before it was too late, and he set off to Paris to find his friends. On his way, he was asked for his papers, and, when he had none to present, was forced into slave labour. Meanwhile, his companions were to be guillotined; they were placed in cells at the Conciergerie Prison, but all three had an idea of how to escape. Barbara and Susan abandon their plan of digging their way out when the hole caused their cell to be infested with rats. The Doctor, however, did manage to get out of his predicament by distracting and knocking out the leader. Ian too managed to get saved — he was crossed off execution list when his captors thought he knew something of value. (TV: "Guests of Madame Guillotine")

Luckily for them, Barbara and Susan's transport was hijacked by Jean and Jules Renan, who take the two back to the group's safehouse. They were taken care of there. Ian, meanwhile, was able to sneak out of the prison when the jailer accidentally left his keys behind. At this time, the Doctor arrived in Paris and exchanged his outfit for something that would help him better fit in with the French. Pretending to be a regional officer, he enquired about his friends, and was pleased to find that they had all escaped. However, caught in his own lies, Lemaitre, a man of real authority, invited him to join him and French Revolution leader Robespierre. (TV: "A Change of Identity") With no other choice, the Doctor met with the man, and managed to get away with his lack of knowledge about the southern province. However, Robespierre requested another visit the following day. Once they returned late that night, the man from whom the Doctor had acquired his new outfit presented Lemaitre with supposed proof of the old man was a traitor. (TV: "The Tyrant of France")

In 1991, Melanie Bush returned to Brighton after travelling with the Sixth and Seventh Doctors. (PROSE: Missing, Part One: Business as Usual)