Talk:Ninth Doctor

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Revision as of 18:34, 10 March 2009 by Taccer 07 (talk | contribs)



"After the conclusion of the Time War, of which the Doctor was the sole survivor, the Eighth Doctor regenerated for an eighth time. His ninth incarnation travelled to Earth, where he rescued a young human woman, Rose Tyler, from several Autons and confronted the Nestene Consciousness that was controlling them."

I don't think this statement is particually accurate. We don't know for sure when the Doctor regenerated, it could have, in various likelihoods, been before, during, or after the time wars. Now the most commonly accepted theory is during, and that's noted in the beginning of the article, but this praragraph is still inacurate. I suggest changing it so that it simply states that by the time he met Rose Tyler, he had regenerated. It's simple, and as close at we can get for now. I'm happy for any 'born in battle' quote to be in the italic text before it. Or we could even have a small section lower on the page about it to refer to, which we could use for both 8th/9th Doctor pages. Taccer 07 18:33, 10 March 2009 (UTC)


The Ninth Doctor is half human?--GingerM 15:48, 6 February 2007 (UTC)

I'd be inclined to say no. It's obviously a carry over from the Eighth Doctor. But it's never stated on screen that specifically the 9th Doctor is half human. So unless anyone can cite a source stating that the 9th Doctor is half human... I don't think it's enough to say that just because the 8th (may have been) it doesn't mean the 9th is, after all with the Time War plus regeneration anything could have been removed. --Tangerineduel 17:16, 6 February 2007 (UTC)

It's a problem which fans have argued about - if the Eighth Doctor was half-Human, were the rest? So until a solution is found, people will continue arguing. Personally, I believe that if one was half-Human then the rest should be too, and if the Eighth Doctor had only recently regenerated, how would he already know if he was half-Human if the rest weren't, but I'm not an expert on Gallifreyan regeneration, so... ~ Ghelæ -talk-contribs 17:21, 6 February 2007 (UTC)

a topic this general probably belongs on the forums, but I would just put down half-human for the Eighth and for the rest, no half-human. to me it looks odd and incongruous (for me, anyway) to see Tom Baker or Hartnell described as partly human.
Unnatural History, I think, claimed that the Doctor had a mermaid, for a mother, if you can believe that, but I guess it addressed the whole half-human thing. though I haven't actually read it. (a popular fan theory also says that when he turned human in Human Nature, some of the human DNA stayed with him, but the book came out before the TV movie. --***Stardizzy*** 17:41, 6 February 2007 (UTC)
Although I suppose calling the Fourth and Tenth Doctors half-Human (and possibly some of the others, I've only seen the last two epidodes of Spearhead from Space and all the episodes of The Ark in Space of the original series) might explain their very high... well, like, I suppose, of Humanity. Plus, there's nothing wrong with the idea of a novel predicting an episode, as episodes have predicted real life events - An Unearthly Child predicted the decimalisation of British currency, and Pyramids of Mars predicted pyramids on Mars long before the Viking orbiter photographed Cydonia. However, this really has nothing to do with whether the Ninth Doctor was half-Human, and I agree that this discussion is probably best for the forum. ~ Ghelæ the Weird-talk-contribs 17:52, 6 February 2007 (UTC)
  • Topic created here.--GingerM 18:01, 6 February 2007 (UTC)


In the episodes The Empty Child and The Doctor Dances, Rose gives the Doctor a name, and that is "Spock", or "Mr Spock" in one scene. Is this an alias that should be mentioned in the article and in the right-box? Peter R 20:17, 20 May 2007 (UTC) (who has just seen these episodes on swedish television, that is now sending "season 27")

It could be, but it seems more jokey (then again, similar aliases are on Mickey Smith's page). If you think it should be added, then you may add it. ~ Ghelæ -talk-contribs 14:51, 21 May 2007 (UTC)

Regeneration & Continuity

I still wonder how the Ninth Doctor could have been surprised about his appearance in DW: Rose, although he obviously was at last 3 times on Earth before that in the same body. I don't think that he went on these trips during the few seconds between his first and second invitation of Rose to be his companion, because he just doesn't appeaer as if he had some adventures in the meantime. He could have went to the Titanic etc. after he vanished with the Tardis for the first time during "Rose", right after he blew up the shop where the Autons attacked Rose. It might not be likely, because he obviously still had unfinished business because of them on Earth and in this time, but the Tardis might just have stopped at a few wrong times and places till he found the right time and spot again. I dare say the photos were not taken during the time he travelled with Rose, and not just because it would be great coinsidence that she wasn't shown on any of them. The photos just wouldn't already be there like, because it would happen later in the Doctors own timeline. So, what about the simple possibility that he just hadn't looked into a mirror since he regenerated into his ninth form? Ok, there is a big mirror in the Tardis' wardrobe, but perhaps the Doctor didn't care much about it - or it was broken at that time. He might have been dragged from one adventure to the next, and might even just have picked up the Ninth-clothes just before he met Rose for the first time - after all he was clothed according to the respecting time when those pictures were taken, was he not?

The photos could be present in Clive's collection, despite occuring in the Doctor's future, there's no problem with that (and even if he did see the pictures it would only be a minor pre-destination paradox).
The problem (well one of them) is that while the Doctor is some what surprised, there isn't any further evidence to suggest the proposals you've suggested, so while they are theoretically possible, they're not esablishable with continuity references.
Equally the pictures could have been taken during his time with Rose, just because she is not in the pictures does not suggest that she is not present, like wise the aformentioned adventures could have taken place while Rose was with the Doctor, but not on those particular adventures (the Doctor could have dropped her somewhere, then gone off and had a bunch of adventures and then returned, months from his POV and only minutes later from Rose's POV), indeed this has happened before with Samantha Jones (EDA: Vampire Science), so it isn't outside the realms of possibility.
But unless it is actually stated in a Book, TV or comic strip story its only supposition and therefore can't be entered into the page. --Tangerineduel 13:48, 25 August 2007 (UTC)