First Doctor

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Always search for truth. My truth is in the starsThe Doctor [The Daleks [src]]



Early Life

he lickes cheese

he died

for five mothns, he died of cheese balls poising

Other travels

The First Doctor had to carefully balance the concerns of the Savages and the Elders.

The Doctor remained unable to effectively pilot the TARDIS. Subsequently, the Doctor, Susan, Ian Chesterton and Barbara Wright travelled throughout the Universe, trying to find a way back to 1963 Earth.

In London during the time of the 22nd century Dalek invasion, Susan met David Campbell, a young resistance fighter against the Daleks. Recognising that Susan had matured from girl to woman, the Doctor left her behind. (DW: The Dalek Invasion of Earth)

Subsequently, the Doctor helped people in need and fighting such alien enemies as the Daleks (again), Zarbi (DW: The Web Planet) and the Cybermen (DW: The Tenth Planet).


He apparently succumbed to old age after his first meeting with the Cybermen, stating that "this old body is wearing a bit thin." Fortunately, the Doctor was able to return to the TARDIS in time to begin the regeneration process for the first time, transforming him into a new, younger body. (DW: The Tenth Planet)


The Doctor in a cape

In his later life, the Doctor had shoulder length, greyish-white hair. He had piercing brown eyes.

The Doctor affected a slightly eccentric Edwardian dress sense, wearing a frock coat and tartan trousers. Occasionally he wore an Astrakhan (DW: An Unearthly Child, The Tenth Planet) or a Panama hat (DW: The Chase, The Daleks' Master Plan). He also sometimes wore a cape (DW: Planet of Giants, The War Machines). Like his fifth incarnation, he sometimes used half-moon reading glasses (DW: The Time Meddler, The Daleks' Master Plan, The War Machines). He also occasionally employed a walking stick (DW: The Five Doctors), which sometimes made an effective weapon. (DW: The Chase) He also wore a blue signet ring which had special, if ill-defined, powers. (DW: The Daleks' Master Plan, The Power of the Daleks) However, on one occasion, the ring appeared to both facilitate hypnotism and protect the Doctor from electrical shock. (DW: The War Machines)

When adventuring in Earth's past, this version of the Doctor, in contrast with most that followed, sometimes made significant changes to his wardrobe, in an attempt to blend in with the local population. (DW: The Romans, The Reign of Terror, The Crusade) However, he usually made at least a token alteration to his "standard" outfit wherever he went in Earth's past, as when he wore a cowboy hat in 19th century Arizona. (DW: The Gunfighters) More rarely, he would gladly accept the vestments of extraterrestrial societies, as when he proudly wore the ceremonial garb of the Elders. (DW: The Savages)


he licked and chesese

Mysteries and Discrepancies

Family and relationship to Susan

This notion would seem to carry through to the Tenth Doctor, who has alluded to this and other familial relationships. He mentions being "a father once" to Rose Tyler. (DW: Fear Her).
  • Whatever their relation, the Doctor clearly treated her with greater affection than other companions. When it appears that he will be travelling alone now, he referred to her as "my little Susan" in a soliloquy in which he names all his previous companions (DW: The Massacre)
  • When she appeared lost in revolutionary France, the normally commanding incarnation is visibly shaken and must be calmed by Ian. Meanwhile, he offers Barbara — who is in equal peril — a mumbled "be careful" while rushing off to find Susan. (DW: The Reign of Terror)
  • The manner of her departure is equally unusual. She is to date the only companion to be physically locked out of the TARDIS, and the only companion whom the Doctor chose not to say goodbye to in person, when he had the ability to do so. (DW: The Dalek Invasion of Earth). Her departure moved him to a state of emotional discomfort. (DW: The Rescue)

The Daleks

The First Doctor seemed unfamiliar with the Daleks (DW: The Daleks), even though he had, we would learn later, hidden the Hand of Omega away on 1963 Earth, as part of an ongoing plan to defeat them. (DW: Remembrance of the Daleks)

Other matters

  • When the Doctor, Vicki, Barbara and Ian were being chased by the Daleks through time, he claimed to have built the TARDIS. (DW: The Chase) This statement stands in stark contrast with later incarnations and Time Lord authorities who claimed that the TARDIS was stolen (EDA: The Gallifrey Chronicles) (DW: Planet of the Dead (TV story)); it has also been suggested that the TARDIS was grown, rather than built (DW: Rise of the Cybermen, The Impossible Planet). While the TARDIS could have been both grown and stolen, it is difficult to see how it could also have been built by the Doctor. Susan has made the claim that she coined the acronym TARDIS (DW: An Unearthly Child), leading to the possibility that the Doctor was somehow involved with the development of the TARDIS. The Eighth Doctor revealed that he had made various additions to the TARDIS in The Taking of Planet 5 to replace the need for a direct symbiotic link to control the TARDIS and thus make it harder for the Time Lords to find him, suggesting that, while the Doctor did not build the TARDIS from the beginning, he made significant alterations to it after it came into his possession.
  • The computer WOTAN referred to the Doctor as "Doctor Who". Exactly why the computer would give the Doctor this name when he is never referred to as such is unknown. (DW: The War Machines)
See separate article.
  • The matter of this incarnation's age and how long this incarnation lived is unclear.
See The Doctor's age.

Key Life Events

Behind the Scenese


External links