The Age of Ice (comic story)

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Part 1 (The Age of Ice)

As a passenger aircraft approaches Sydney airport, it suddenly hits a patch of bright blue lightning. The plane is ripped apart and oxygen masks deploy as it attacks the plane.

Later, the TARDIS lands in Sydney, near the Opera House. Majenta heckles the Doctor about the fact that they're not on Panacea, but the Doctor's gaze shifts towards a landing helicopter. UNIT soldiers emerge from the helicopter, and one of them introduces herself as Captain Kath Braxton. The Doctor is taken to UNIT's underwater base.

As the Doctor and Majenta are taken down UNIT's corridors by armed soldiers, a takes them into a UNIT soldier named Colonel Tom McCay takes them into a hospital ward in their base. They are greeted by Corporal Manning, who is taken aback when he sees Majenta. The Doctor investigates the patients there, and is surprised to see that they are hundreds of years old. Tom reveals that they have aged while travelling in the passenger aircraft after it was hit by a Chronal Wave. He then reveals that prehistoric creatures have been rampaging across the city.

The Doctor then sees a small column of ice in display. Tom explains that the ice was found in the wreckage of the plane. He tells the Doctor that it doesn't melt, and is giving off electrochemical signals. Tom organises a helicopter for the Doctor so that he can see the Chronal Wave himself. They then realise that Majenta has gone.

Meanwhile, Corporal Manning has escaped, and is entering the bestiary. Majenta follows him down, and finds a room full of alien tech - Cybermen carcasses, Autons, War Machines and others. Corporal Manning is communicating with a sentient life form, when Majenta apears in front of him. Corporal Manning holds Majenta at gunpoint, only for Majenta to explain that she can tell that he is using a cloaking device. Corporal Manning, turns off the device...

As the helicopter approaches the origin of the Chronal Wave, the piece of ice begins talking to the Doctor, a message from a life form who have met the Doctor before. UNIT soldier Sergeant Talbot notes that another Chronal Wave is approaching, as hundreds of prehistoric creatures appear near the bridge.

Back in the bestiary, Corporal Manning is revealed to be an alien, of the same species as Majenta, an old friend of Majenta called Fanson. He tells Majenta how much he's missed her, but Majenta pushes him away, and asks him to explain everything. Fanson reveals he can't, as suddenly Majenta is blasted away by a pulse of energy, as a sentient chrystalline life form called the 'Skith Leader' appears...

Part 2 (Secrets and Lies)

UNIT's helicopter flies past the bridge, as the Doctor begins to communicate with an 'old friend' via the strip of ice. Suddenly, the helicopter interior is ruptured by a flash of bright blue lightning - an energy spike - which destroys the chopper's engines and kills Sergeant Talbot. In an attempt to get Colonel McCay and the Doctor to safety, The Doctor hits the eject button on his seat, and he and McCay are ejected from their seats, just as the chopper explodes in flames behind them. Their parachutes deploy, and they land safely near the city.

Back in the UNIT Underbase, Majenta begins to recover. Fanson begs the Skith Leader to save her live, and the Skith leader agrees, but warns Majenta not to interfere with their plans. Fanson explains that after the incidents with the Hotel Historia, they were both teleported, presumably to Thinktwice. Fanson, however, was intercepted, and brought down to a butcher's shop in Australia, where he found the remains of the Skith leader. Fanson made a deal with the leader, so that both of their lives would be saved. He then masked himself under the body of Corporal Manning, in order to carry out the tasks of the Skith. Suddenly, two UNIT soldiers burst in, and Fanson commands the Skith leader to attack the soldiers. The two soldiers are transformed into Skith, and commanded to spread through the underbase.

The Doctor and Colonel McCay enter a gift shop. After speaking the keyword, he and the Doctor enter a secret UNIT safehouse behind the shop. Using the computers and technology available, the Doctor reveals the 'invisible object' - a huge crystal ship hanging over Sydney. The Doctor explains that the Skith's motivation is to 'rebuild the world in their own image'. Colonel McCay sends a command to the underbase control room to attack the bridge. Suddenly, the two UNIT soldiers converted by the Skith enter the control room...

McCay and the Doctor head back to the Underbase, where the Doctor complains of an Ice Cream headache. Thinking nothing of it, he spots Majenta, who stops, and reaches for a taser, and electrocutes the Doctor with it. Colonel McCay commands Corporal Manning to stop her, but Manning refuses, pointing out that he is no longer in charge, as numerous newly converted Skith soldiers take UNIT captive. The Doctor is dragged away by the converted soldiers...

As the Doctor begins to wake up, he notices that he is with the Skith leader, Majenta, and Fanson, whom he fails to recognize. The Skith leader tells the Doctor that he is needed by the Skith to access the Skith's crystal ship, as it is phased out of time. The Doctor, Fanson and Majenta are taken to 'The Starling', a flying base used by UNIT. In the control room, the Doctor asks the leader what plan the Skith have. The leader explains that, as the Doctor is time sensitive, the Skith leader plans to open the door and throw him at the ship. Suddenly, another Skith approaches the leader, and warns the leader not to take such drastic action. He then informs the Doctor that 'everthing is going according to plan', as hundreds of Skith fighters swarm out of the ship towards the UNIT base...

Part 3 (The Master of the Skith)


  • The Doctor reminces when UNIT used to operate 'out of a draughty old house in the Home Counties' (in the 1970s)



  • There is a brown sofa that appears in 'The Bestiary' in Part One of this comic, the sign appears to say 'No Sitting', it could be a reference to the Nestene chair that appears in DW: Terror of the Autons, however the sofa that appeared in that story was black.



  • The Age of Ice occurs after: DWM: Mortal Beloved
  • The Age of Ice occurs before: to be added

External links

to be added
