Glass (short story)

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Revision as of 16:40, 25 August 2009 by Dromie (talk | contribs)


An army of hypnotised salespeople storm Stangmoor Prison, attempting to rescue the Master, but the escape attempt is 
 foiled and he is whisked off to another secure holding facility. But all the salespeople worked for the Freedom
 Corporation, which recently announced a breakthrough in time-travel technology. Suspicious, the Doctor breaks into the 
 Freedom Corporation with Jo, only to be trapped in an extra-universal prison from which there is no escape. The Brigadier 
 is forced to strike a deal with the Master to release the Doctor and Jo, but the Master double-crosses him and uses the
 time-travel technology to regress the Earth backwards in time, while his powers as a Time Lord enable him to resist the 
 reverse flow and escape back to his TARDIS. The Time Lords send the Doctor's TARDIS to him in the prison and restore his 
 knowledge of time travel, and although he's tempted to simply leave in the TARDIS and let the Time Lords sort out the problem themselves, 
 he can't bring himself to let Jo down. He thus returns to Earth, defeats the Master and restores everything to normal even though it means giving up his own freedom.



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