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A hug was a social expression which generally involved one or more individuals fully embracing others.

The Ninth Doctor also voiced an affection for hugs, (TV: The Long Game) and gave them out to comfort others, (TV: Father's Day) or when in moments of joy. (TV: The Doctor Dances, Boom Town, Bad Wolf)

The Tweflth Doctor decides hugging isn't for him. (TV: Deep Breath)

In contrast, the Twelfth Doctor held a strong distaste for hugs as they made him feel uncomfortable, (TV: Deep Breath) protesting to Clara Oswald when she attempted so that he was "against the hugging." (TV: Listen) The Doctor would, however, voice that hugs were a good way to smell someone's hair as he hugged Clara to comfort her after she was almost shot, (PROSE: The Blood Cell) The Doctor explained to Clara his belief to "never trust a hug", claiming it as "just a way to hide your face." Hiding the loss of Danny Pink, Clara concurred as she hugged the Doctor before parting ways. (TV: Death in Heaven) After reuniting, the Doctor began to accept Clara's attempts to hug him over time, (TV: Last Christmas, The Woman Who Lived, Face the Raven) and even started hugging her on the odd occasion. (TV: The Magician's Apprentice, The Girl Who Died) By the time he reunited with Maxwell Edison, the Doctor had accepted being a hugger, given an affection on to Max. (COMIC: The Stockbridge Showdown)