Invisible lift

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Invisible lift This lift leads directly from the hub to Roald Dahl Plass above. Torchwood personnel can enter or leave without arousing suspicion, since the exit is still benefitting from the effects of the perception filter of a TARDIS that once stood above it.


The features on the outside for the lift is just a normal slab next to the water tower, inside the lift is just the slab and goes up with pillers underneith the lift.


First seen in (TW: Everything Changes) while leaving Jack takes the invisible lift with gwen and he is seen useing his Vortex manipulator to get up. Then he used it again to stop suzie from killing gwen but at the end the pecetion filter doesn't work on her and shot jack causeing him to death but soon ressurects and stops suzie but it left her killing herself.(TW: Everything Changes)

Then it is seen again when the hub is in shut down and they need to get out when a Cyberwoman attacks again jack uses his Vortex manipulator while owen and gwen hold ianto back when jack sent the Pterodactyl, Myfanwy to attack the cyberwoman to stop her. (TW: Cyberwoman)

Jack uses the lift to the hub with John Hart assuemed to get his weapons of him easier. John Hart seemed very confused of it went down aswell its unknown who or how it went down with jack not seen using his Vortex manipulator or there just could possiable a switch in the hub to control the lift. (TW: Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang)

Gwen wanted to show the torchwood hub to ryhs by useing the lift obvousily to show the full scale of the hub as they did this the Myfanwy the Pterodactyl flys by them. (TW: Meat)

When Agent Johnson planted a bomb inside Jack Harkness when he went back to the hub as gwen found out she has a baby inside of her so did jack found out he had a bomb inside him and the hub goes in lockdown with gwen abled to escape while ianto tried to find a way to stop it jack grabs him and pulls him to the lift to escape and again jack used his Vortex manipulator and soon the bomb went off while jack blew up ianto managed to escape on the lift. (TW: Children of Earth: Day One)