The Planet of Witches was the third story in the ninth series of the Fourth Doctor Adventures, produced by Big Finish Productions. It was written by Alan Barnes and featured Tom Baker as the Fourth Doctor, Lalla Ward as Romana II, Matthew Waterhouse as Adric and John Leeson as K9.
Publisher's summary
Whilst attempting a detailed scan of E-Space, K9 detects the trail of a large spacecraft. Seeking a lead for their escape, the Doctor sets out on its trail towards a misty yellow planet.
Arriving just in time to witness a crash-landing in the planet’s swamps, the Doctor and his crew discover a number of escaping prisoners fleeing from someone claiming to be a Witchfinder... whilst terrifying ‘familiars’ float around them.
For this is the planet of the witches... and the witches may just know the way home.
Part one
to be added
Part two
to be added
Part three
to be added
Part four
to be added
to be added
to be added
to be added
External links
- Official The Planet of Witches page at