Talk:Queer representation in Doctor Who

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Can we change the title to Queer Representation in the DWU? Currently, the title suggests only rep that appears in Doctor Who, when in fact, we are including spin-offs as well. Never Forget The Day The 456 Arrived 19:57, February 13, 2020 (UTC)

While not limiting the title to just Doctor Who is not a suggestion without merit, I oppose Queer representation in the DWU because for good or ill, the way this Wiki defines the term "DWU" excludes quite a few things that we do also cover on this page on par with "valid" stories, since this is a real-world page. (The Doctor's bisexuality in The Curse of Fatal Death being only one example.)
Would "Queer representation in Doctor Who-related media" serve? It's a bit cumbersome, but the obvious phrasing one might use another Wiki ("Doctor Who franchise") doesn't actually apply to the Doctor Who Expanded Universe since it's, precisely, not a single business franchise/copyright owned by a single entity. --Scrooge MacDuck 20:17, February 13, 2020 (UTC)

Yeah, that'd work. Just wanted to get permission. Thanks. Never Forget The Day The 456 Arrived 20:38, February 13, 2020 (UTC)

My phone accidently published it before I typed the whole edit summary. Please don't use "retitle" to change a title of an article unless it's for technical reasons (such as putting something in italics, adding underscores to the title, and stuff like that). OncomingStorm12th (talk) 20:48, February 13, 2020 (UTC)
On a related note, please note that only admins are allowed to actually rename pages. It you think a page requires a change in the title, use the {{rename}} template. OncomingStorm12th (talk) 20:50, February 13, 2020 (UTC)

Ah, okay. Sorry bout that. Never Forget The Day The 456 Arrived 20:57, February 13, 2020 (UTC)


Given that the term used in the Fan Show video at the top of the page and that "queer" is not a totally accepted term - some, such as myself, finding it offensive - I propose moving this page to LGBTQ representation in Doctor Who. -- Saxon (✉️) 20:15, June 12, 2020 (UTC)

I suggest LGBTQ+, actually, to include ace people, gender nonconforming, those who don't like labels, etc, but likewise dislike "queer". Najawin 20:20, June 12, 2020 (UTC)
The matter was talked about early on, and the thing with the acronym is that it's very hard to come to an agreement on its "proper" form. People are dropping and adding letters to it all the time; signs of controversy (albeit mild) are already breaking out two messages in. LGBTQ representation in Doctor Who (and/or variations with different forms of the acronym) can and should definitely be redirects, but "Queer" is a vaguer and (in terms of how it should be spelled) less controversial, general term. And, if I may say so, much less ungainly as the first word of a page title that the increasingly-unpronounceable acronym.
Of course, if there is significant sentiment among our userbase/readership that the term is offensive to them, I'm not dead-set against using the acronym, but insofar as it's a matter of self-identification, I must say that for myself I much prefer "queer" to the unpronounceable hodgepodge of the acronym.
In terms of Doctor Who-related precedents, The Fan Show using the acronym is interesting, but I'd raise you Queers Dig Time Lords — not to mention one of RTD's big successes prior to Doctor Who having been Queer As Folk. Both terms definitely have tractions in Whoniverse circles — I think we can afford, one way or another, to make our own choice without worrying about that side of the equation overmuch. --Scrooge MacDuck 21:26, June 12, 2020 (UTC)
(I personally see no need to change, the usual term used in technical circles is "queer", hence "queer studies" and "queer theory". [Though technical terms are not always in accordance with what people in the LGBTQ community like, transsexual still being a term used, for instance, though in a very specific manner.] But I fully recognize that as someone who's straight my view doesn't count for that much on if someone is offended. My point is just if we do this, add in the plus sign.) Najawin 21:38, June 12, 2020 (UTC)
I'd be cool with LGBTQ+. No complaints from me. LGBTQ+ includes people who do choose to identify as queer, whereas just using queer puts all LGBT+ people who don't identify in a bubble in which they are not comfortable. It's true and perfectly legitimate for people to reclaim offensive words, of course, but I do disagree with its use here. -- Saxon (✉️) 21:46, June 12, 2020 (UTC)

Not my place to talk if it should be queer or LGBTQ+, so I won't chime in on this part. Just wondering if we could make it "in Doctor Who related media" as opposed to just "in Doctor Who", since we cover all of the spinoffs too as I mentioned above. Never Forget The Day The 456 Arrived 21:51, June 12, 2020 (UTC)

Good point, though it should either be "in Doctor Who and related media", or else "in Doctor Who-related media" with the hyphen. --Scrooge MacDuck 21:57, June 12, 2020 (UTC)

James Dreyfus

I have been hearing from different, unreliable sources that James Dreyfus has been booted from his role as the Master in the Big Finish audios in response to his transphobic views. I just wanted to know if there has been any official word on the matter?

On a semi-related note, would this be grounds enough to create a new section on the page detailing situations like this, since Dreyfus would now be the second individual involved with DW to be called out for this sort of behaviour, after Gareth Roberts? WaltK 17:34, July 8, 2020 (UTC)

I've shadow browsed the internet for a bit, and I think that is the closest I've gotten. But yes, the general vibe seems to be, "We're not gonna say anything, but we are subtly gonna move him over here and not put him in anything else."
As for the section, sure, I'm down. Always good to be honest. Two questions though: What should we define "called out" as specifically? Does it have to be a news outlet or can it be a twitter post?
Question two: Should we include a subsection for those who used to hold those views, but later seemed to go back on them? (Davies: Wrote Sally Salter, Barrowman: Did some fundraiser for a charity, I think.) Never Forget The Day The 456 Arrived 17:57, July 8, 2020 (UTC)
Davies and Barrowman had anti-trans views? When/where? WaltK 18:27, July 8, 2020 (UTC)

USED to, apparently (I'm going off some internet sources, so bare with me). Davies, well, Cassandra. Barrowman, made a bad joke at a con once. To be fair, both have done stuff to show that they've moved on (although I'm not the one to judge). But back to the main point, what's your critera for calling out? Never Forget The Day The 456 Arrived 18:37, July 8, 2020 (UTC)

... How was Cassandra transphobic? She mentioned being a boy once, but that's it. And hearsay doesn't seem good cause to slander John Barrowman. -- Saxon (✉️) 18:41, July 8, 2020 (UTC)

As I said, I'm not trying to slander them. I love both of their work in the DWU and such. If I was trying to slander them, I would've just said they're transphobic and left it at that. It's clear that both have largely moved on and are at least showing some support. Now PLEASE, can we focus on technical aspects and such? Never Forget The Day The 456 Arrived 18:45, July 8, 2020 (UTC)

I don't see why the calling out of cast and crew would belong on this page. -- Saxon (✉️) 18:51, July 8, 2020 (UTC)