Faster-than-light travel

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Faster-than-light travel is one method of travelling interstellar distances without resorting to relativistic travel or generation starships. One way to do so is by harnessing a quantum tunnel with an FTL factor of 36.7 recurring. Other, rarer methods include travelling via Time Vortex, a method which TARDISes use, and transmat systems.

Most advanced civilisations seem to have developed faster-than-light travel at some point during their history. Humans had developed hyperspace technology by the 30th century. (NA: Original Sin)


Common means of faster-than-light travel involve passing a spacecraft through hyperspace, which is located outside of spacetime as Humans know it (DW: The Stones of Blood). Other technologies include warp drive. (DW: The Girl in the Fireplace, etc)

Mary arrived on Earth via a transporation device. Sarah Jane Smith's star poet friend of the same species arrived on Earth through unspecified means, though we can assume they used much of the same kind of technology. It may also be that since Mary arrived in 1812 and the poet left in 2008 that the species' technology had advanced.
  • The ships of the Uvodni and the Adipose could travel at faster than light speeds.
Faster-than-light travel