Theory:Doctor Who audio discontinuity and plot holes/Terror Firma

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You are exploring the Discontinuity Index, a place where any details or rumours about unreleased stories are forbidden.
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This page is for discussing the ways in which Terror Firma doesn't fit well with other DWU narratives. You can also talk about the plot holes that render its own, internal narrative confusing.

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  • Davros is obsessed with the fact that the Doctor "destroyed Skaro". However, Davros already knows that Skaro wasn't destroyed (War of the Daleks), and it is established in the New Series that Skaro wasn't actually destroyed.
It is very possible that War of the Daleks did not take place in this continuity, or if it did, that Davros has not experienced it yet. Simply because Skaro exists again after the Time War does not mean it had not been previously destroyed. Perhaps it was early on in the War that Skaro was resurrected, only to be devastated along with the rest of the universe.
Adding to that, War of the Daleks also established that "Skaro" was the Kaled word for "home". So even if Davros is aware of the Skaro that was destroyed being Antalin, he might just be obsessed with the fact that the Doctor destroyed the place he thought of as home. Oddly sentimental of him, but it sort of works.
Sorry, but where in War of the Daleks does it say that? One possibility is that Terror Firma (audio story) comes after War of the Daleks. However, following the events of both Remembrance of the Daleks (TV story) and War of the Daleks, to say nothing of Davros' lengthy freezing after Genesis of the Daleks (TV story) and Resurrection of the Daleks (TV story), Davros finally snaps. In fact, Davros going completely insane is one of the key plot points of Terror Firma (audio story). So, his sanity rapidly eroding, he either forgets or mentally blocks out the events of War of the Daleks. The Doctor can remember the truth, but under the circumstances he finds himself in in Terror Firma (audio story), he's not going to further anger Davros, who is already very mentally and psychologically unstable, by correcting him.
At the beginning of Chapter 8: "Davros realised that he would get no further arguing with the creature. He powered his chair and moved forward again, trying to assimilate this information. The Dalek believed it was on Skaro, which was absurd. Skaro was dead – this was some other world. Perhaps the Daleks had simply renamed it Skaro after they had occupied it. ‘Skaro’ after all, was simply the word for ‘home’ in the old Kaled tongue. It would be typical of the rigid-minded Daleks to do that. And the lesser ranks, not being bred for their intellectual prowess, simply assumed that this world was the original Skaro, having known no other." That said, your explanation makes sense, and is, for me, preferable to the suggestion that War of the Daleks didn't happen in this continuity.
If Davros truly did mentally block out War of the Daleks, I can name you a few fans who would envy him that.