User:MrThermomanPreacher/Cracked universe (The Eleventh Hour)

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At the beginning of the Eleventh Doctor's life, he found himself in a version of his universe whose skin was cracking at every moment in time due to the explosion of the Doctor's TARDIS. (TV: The Pandorica Opens) These cracks erased things from existence, with many events from the Tenth Doctor's post-Time War universe undone. (TV: Flesh and Stone, PROSE: Student Bodies)

Eventually, as the Doctor's present aligned with the moment of the TARDIS' explosion, this universe was nearly completely destroyed in a total event collapse, with the Starless World remaining as the eye of the storm. Using the few remaining particles untouched by the collapse, the Doctor was able to undo the damage by creating a rebooted universe in Big Bang Two. Events from the cracked version of reality carried over into this universe, (TV: The Big Bang) with some accounts indicating some events erased by the cracks were not restored. (PROSE: Dalek Combat Training Manual)

This reality continued to exist in some form as a dead timeline. Same and Different once visited this timeline in its final moments in Leadworth. (PROSE: The Paradox Moon)