Starless world

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"Starless world" is a title based upon conjecture.

Check the behind the scenes section, the revision history and discussion page for additional comments on this article's title.


A starless world was an alternate timeline created after the Doctor's TARDIS exploded, creating cracks in time which began erasing the universe's history.

With Amy trapped inside the Pandorica, an Auton duplicate of Rory lived from 102 AD to 1996, keeping her safe. During this time, he was known as the Lone Centurion. (TV: The Big Bang)

The Eleventh Doctor would use the restoration field from the Pandorica to cause a "Big Bang 2" and reboot the universe, restoring history and negating this alternate timeline.

History[[edit] | edit source]

During the Last Great Time War, this reality among others was observed as a Matrix extrapolation of the possible future. (PROSE: Dalek Combat Training Manual)