Angel Bob

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Somewhere in that ship is a creature that can never die - River describing the angel.

Before the crash

A fully powered lone Weeping Angel had been recovered from a dead planet in a "dormant" cycle. It passed from private hand to private hand and through an unknown series of events, finally came into the hands of the captain of the Byzantium . The Weeping Angel was put inside the Byzantium's vault. River Song, after being sent to assess the situation, recognised it as a Weeping Angel and, after warning the captain the ship was going to crash, escaped with the help of the Eleventh Doctor and Amy Pond . The Byzantium crashed inside an Aplan temple on Alfava Metraxis, who's species were wiped out by an unknown catastrophe in the mid 47th century. The Angel was the only survivor of the crash.

The Angel on the screen

A four second recording of the Angel was played on a monitor inside a surveillance chamber that was put inside the Aplan Temple. River Song showed the Doctor, Amy and Father Octavian four seconds of the footage. Amy stayed inside the surveillance chamber whilst the Doctor and River went outside to look at some research and Octavian left to prepare the detonation to get into the Maze of the Dead. Amy was sealed inside and the door deadlocked. The Angel on screen began to move, even though it was only a recording. Meanwhile, the Doctor and River discovered that an image of an Angel will eventually become one. The Angel on screen inside the chamber began to come out the screen. The Angel was stopped by Amy turning the monitor off at the end of the four second loop.

In the catacombs

The Angel escaped the vault of the Byzantium and went through the Maze of the Dead. Clerics Christian and Angelo were sent to investigate the further catacombs and had their necks snapped by the Weeping Angel. Cleric Bob was lured into the catacombs by the Weeping Angel projecting the voice of Cleric Angelo. It later used Cleric Bob's voice as a mouthpiece to communicate with the Doctor, trying to anger him by claiming the Doctor's encouragement to Bob was in vain, and how it enjoyed killing him. The Angel then said it was coming to get the Doctor, Amy, River, Octavian and the remaining Clerics.


Like the rest of its kind the Byzantium angel is a psycopath; it showed no remorse for the killing of sevral clerics and also claimed to enjoy doing it when it spoke to the Doctor useing a copy of Cleric Bob's consiousness. It also tormented Amy with a copy of its self by making her think she was turning to stone. The Angel is also very patient and clever; the Doctor guessed it had never been dormant but had rather allowed it self to be captured so it could get the needed power to revive its people.

When using the voices of the dead is assumed a calm but "cold" voice in order to lure victims in before it proceded to snap their knecks from the shadows; though the voice became irrtated when Bob hesitated following the voice. It showed little concern for its victims either and pretended at first to be Cleric Bob before casually saying it wasn't and it had snapped the man's kneck to use his voice.

The Angel also seames to enjoy hunting and toying with its victims; for rather than kill them in one go it prefered to take them one by one useing the shadows to terryfy its victims before coming in for the kill. It didnt come straight for the Doctor and appeared to be taking its time while tormenting the group by saying it was coming for them and flickering their lights to allow the weaker angels a chance to catch up with them.