Life on Mars (TV series)
Life on Mars was a television series. Natasha Nightingale compared getting displaced through time by the Weeping Angels to Life on Mars. She thought John Simm was great in it, but people only remembered Philip Glenister "because Gene Hunt was so..."; she changed topic before finishing the sentence. (GAME: The Lonely Assassins [+]Loading...["The Lonely Assassins (video game)"])
Behind the scenes
John Simm played Sam Tyler in Life on Mars and the series was co-created by Matthew Graham. Other DWU actors who starred in the series includes Marshall Lancaster and Liz White.
The reference book, Creatures and Demons, claims that Sam Tyler was named after Rose Tyler. When Matthew asked his daughter, Daisy, to come up with a surname for Sam, she chose Tyler. It was only later - once Sam Tyler was named - that Daisy told her father she'd suggested the name because the Doctor's companion was Rose Tyler.