A boat was a watercraft of any size designed to float or plane, to provide passage across water.
17th century
The Fancy was the ship of Henry Avery. Many of its crew were taken by a virtual doctor who deemed them to be ill. The Eleventh Doctor, Amy Pond, and Rory Williams boarded the Fancy through the The Doctor's TARDIS once the TARDIS sensors responded to a ship in distress. (TV: The Curse of the Black Spot [+]Loading...["The Curse of the Black Spot (TV story)"])
19th century
HMS Victory was the flagship of Lord Admiral Horatio Nelson during the Battle of Trafalgar. (PROSE: H.M.S. Tardis [+]Loading...["H.M.S. Tardis (short story)"])
The First Doctor landed his TARDIS aboard the Mary Celeste. They were followed by a group of Daleks, who scared the crew so much that they jumped overboard. This was not witnessed by anyone else, so the crew's disappearance remained a mystery. (TV: The Chase [+]Loading...["The Chase (TV story)"]) The crew of the Mary Celeste were abducted by Arcturans. (PROSE: The Mystery of the Marie Celeste [+]Loading...["The Mystery of the Marie Celeste (short story)"])
In 1889, George Litefoot was able to acquisition a rowing boat so the Fourth Doctor and he could find the confluence of the River Thames and River Fleet. (TV: The Talons of Weng-Chiang [+]Loading...["The Talons of Weng-Chiang (TV story)"])
20th century
The Eternals used replicas of boats from many periods of Earth history (literally, space ships) while conducting a race in space to reach Enlightenment. (TV: Enlightenment [+]Loading...["Enlightenment (TV story)"])
Captain Callany owned a steamboat called the Lankester that sailed from Madagascar to New Orleans every year. First mate Jacques De Requin brought a mermaid. The Lankester sank after it ran aground on some rocks. The Sixth Doctor convinced the mermen to save the crew. (AUDIO: Cryptobiosis [+]Loading...["Cryptobiosis (audio story)"])
RMS Titanic was a luxury ocean liner that sank on its maiden voyage in 1912. The Fourth Doctor owned a copy of the Daily Mirror detailing this event. (TV: The Invasion of Time [+]Loading...["The Invasion of Time (TV story)"])
RMS Lusitania was an ocean liner sunk by the U-20 during World War I. This act finally convinced the United States of America to join the war. (AUDIO: The Sirens of Time [+]Loading...["The Sirens of Time (audio story)"])
The SS Bernice was a cargo ship. It was sailing from Bombay when the crew were taken into a miniscope where they boarded a replica of the ship. With the aid of the Third Doctor, they eventually returned to the real ship. (TV: Carnival of Monsters [+]Loading...["Carnival of Monsters (TV story)"])
Ben Jackson was assigned to the Royal Navy ship, HMS Teazer. (TV: The War Machines [+]Loading...["The War Machines (TV story)"])
Tich owned a wooden boat. While the TV Terrors were hunting for autographs, he may have taken one or more of them aboard the boat, along with Quackers. (GAME: TV Terrors Autograph Hunt [+]Loading...["TV Terrors Autograph Hunt (game)"])
On Earth, some individuals lived aboard houseboats. In the mid-1990s, Kate Lethbridge-Stewart lived with her son Gordy in such a boat on a river. (HOMEVID: Downtime [+]Loading...["Downtime (home video)"])
51st century
As well as hovercraft, the workers at the Delta III refinery used rowing boats to traverse the swamps, as did the native Swampies. (TV: The Power of Kroll [+]Loading...["The Power of Kroll (TV story)"])
Undated events
During the Thousand Year War on Skaro, a Muto ferryman rented out a boat to those who sought to cross Drammankin Lake. Seeking to speak to the last true Dal, Davros and Elwyn used the boat to cross the lake. (PROSE: The Last of the Dals [+]Loading...["The Last of the Dals (short story)"])
The Sixth Doctor and Frobisher used a steamboat called the Sea Sharp to travel to and from Professor Strut's island on the planet Zazz. (COMIC: The Gift [+]Loading...["The Gift (comic story)"])