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The Fancy, formerly known as the Charles II, was the sailing ship (frigate) of Captain Henry Avery. (TV: The Curse of the Black Spot)

Crew[[edit] | edit source]

Avery's crew included Cherub, Tim Deadman, Zeb Gurney, Joseph Longfoot, Samuel Pike, Jack Ringwood, Daniel Smallbeer, (TV: The Smugglers) an unnamed boatswain, Dancer De Florres, McGrath, Mulligan and, later, Captain Avery's son, Toby Avery. (TV: The Curse of the Black Spot)

History[[edit] | edit source]

In 1694, the Privateer ship Charles II captained by Charles Gibson set sail for Corunna in northern Spain, where it engaged itself in plundering French strongholds. There, after the crews' wages are not paid, crewman James Avery led a mutiny against Charles after the ship was stranded for six months in protest. Avery became the captain and renamed the ship to the Fancy.

From 1694-1696, the Fancy sailed to India, made stops at Cape Verde, the Guinea Coast, Comoro Islands and the Straights of Bab el-Mandeb, where Avery was elected admiral of a fleet of pirate ships. In 1696, the ship attacked an Indian fleet and sacked the Ganj-i-Sawai, taking an enormous bounty of treasure in the process, before disappearing from the history books. Some time after this, Avery set Warden Joseph Longfoot ashore to defend a portion of his acquired treasure. (PROSE: The True Voyages of Henry Avery [+]Loading...["The True Voyages of Henry Avery (feature)"])

In 1699, the ship was stranded in the same spot as a spaceship from another universe. The spaceship's virtual doctor came to Fancy to heal all members of the crew who were sick or injured. However, the crew believed the virtual doctor to be a sea siren who had come to kill them.

Eventually, Fancy's entire crew at the time was taken to the other universe and they flew the Skerth spaceship away from Earth. (TV: The Curse of the Black Spot) They later joined the Eleventh Doctor's army. (TV: A Good Man Goes to War)

Legacy[[edit] | edit source]

Some time in the 17th century, some surviving member's of Avery's crew believed their captain to be dead. These included Samuel Pike and Cherub, who had since become captain and first mate respectively of a new ship, the Black Albatross, and Joseph Longfoot, now a churchwarden in Cornwall. (TV: The Smugglers)