Dalek Dome

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The Dalek Dome was an exhibition on Earth which displayed all the most important moments in the history of the Daleks spread out and divided into zones. The building had a resemblance to the upper section of a Dalek casing, and in the centre of the Dome was a lift to the Skaro Observatory, which was a giant Dalek eyestalk with a view of the planet Skaro. The Fourteenth Doctor was angered by the Dalek Dome, pointing out that it turned the suffering of billions into a theme park.

The attractions were quantum simulations made through the dreams of twelve captured Dalek mutants, who were placed in psychoplasm liquid. Known zones were: the Jungles of Spiridon Zone, the Skaro Civil War Zone, the Vulcan Factory Zone, the Death Wheel Zone, the Earth Invasion Zone, and the Zeg Duel Zone. The 1966 Dalek invasion of Earth was one attraction.

Visitors to the Dome included Captain Kirk, Mr Spock, Astrans and Raxacoricofallapatorians. After its simulated Daleks briefly entered reality and launched the 2323 Dalek invasion of Earth, the Doctor left the future of the Dalek Dome in the hands of Georgette Gold, whom he pointed out had now seen the true evil of the Daleks up close. (COMIC: Liberation of the Daleks)