Lieutenant Green

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Lieutenant Green

Lieutenant Green was a member of Spectrum, Earth's primary defence against the Mysterons during the Mysteron War. (COMIC: SPECTRUM, Traitor Black Gives In!) Varying accounts dated Spectrum's founding and the ensuing conflict to either the 2060s (COMIC: SPECTRUM et al.) or the 2080s. (PROSE: 'Jinx Ship' Blasts Off For Mars et al.)

Biography[[edit] | [edit source]]

Before the outbreak of the Mysteron War[[edit] | [edit source]]

On 23 September 2067, Green and Colonel White were present at Glenn Field for the return of Zero X from a mission to Mars which had been commanded by fellow Spectrum officer Captain Black. After the giant spacecraft collided on approach with the passenger jet TGW 197 K, Green and White immediately attended the scene in order to assess the damage. White quickly asked Green for Black's report on what happened, but he was unable to provide it, instead telling White that Black had gone. This prompted White to launch a full-scale search for Black though this was unsuccessful and Green later informed him that all reports were negative. (COMIC: SPECTRUM) Green was subsequently mentioned in a list of Spectrum personnel within Pete Tracker's TV 21 article on the organisation, which he wrote following these events after persuading White to do an interview. (PROSE: SPECTRUM is Green)

The Mysteron War[[edit] | [edit source]]

First battles[[edit] | [edit source]]

In 2067, Green was at his station on Cloudbase when the Mysterons announced a threat to destroy Unity City. Colonel White immediately ordered him to launch all Angels, to which he replied Spectrum is Green. Green later ordered on White's behalf for Lieutenants Peach and Purple of Cloudbase Control to make a position change in the direction of Canberra in an effort to prevent the Mysterons from crashing Cloudbase into Unity City. En route, Green and the rest of Cloudbase's personnel save the recovering Captain Scarlet were knocked unconscious by the D17 poison gas with which Captain Black had sprayed the surrounding clouds.

When the gas wore off, Green told White that part of Captain Scarlet's uniform had been found in Flight Control keeping Cloudbase steady, then carrying out White's request to launch the Angels and check Spectrum's ground stations to find Scarlet, though he later reported that no trace of him could be found. Some time after, Green received a distress call from Captain Black on behalf of himself and Captain Scarlet which directed the Angels to a position in Fiji. As Cloudbase approached Fiji, Green failed to make radio contact with the Angels and was told by White to order all personnel to their emergency stations and have Captains Blue and Magenta take down a helicopter to investigate. Green was present during Colonel White's conversation with a general in which he was told Captain Black had blasted off in the Alpha Centauri Space Probe, with Green immediately contacting the World Space Patrol for White in response. (COMIC: We Will Destroy Unity City [+]Loading...["We Will Destroy Unity City (comic story)"])

A brief reprieve[[edit] | [edit source]]

In 2068, following Captain Black's return to active service, Lieutenant Green observed from his station a meeting between Colonel White, Captain Scarlet and Captain Blue about how best to take advantage of the situation. A plan was eventually formed to destroy the Mysteron City with an electrode cannon mounted on a spaceship, which proved to be successful. Six months later, with no sign of Mysteron activity, World President T.J. Younger disbanded Spectrum at the final celebration of humanity's victory in the Mysteron War. The organisation was ultimately reformed, however, after it became clear that the Mysterons' defeat was actually a clever ruse. (COMIC: Traitor Black Gives In!)

Further struggles[[edit] | [edit source]]

According to the accounts which dated Spectrum's creation and the beginning of the Mysteron War to the 2080s, the first Mysteron threat to Unity City occurred much later in the conflict (PROSE: Rogues Gallery) when compared to the 2060s accounts, which presented it as one of the first acts. (PROSE: SPECTRUM is Green, Captain Scarlet Our Only Hope et al.) These accounts instead posited that the attempted destruction of Unity City happened around a year or two into the War. (PROSE: Thunderbirds Ready for Action!, Send For Stingray!)

After Cloudbase was seen to head away from Unity City in the midst of the Mysteron threat, (PROSE: Get the Gunman!) Lieutenant Green finally broke Spectrum's silence in February 2089. He explained that they had been attacked with knock-out gas but were now fully recovered. He also promised that agents would be sent to Unity City as soon as an "internal security matter" was cleared up. (PROSE: Zero X Beats Space Curse!)

Behind the scenes[[edit] | [edit source]]

  • While he goes unnamed in the above stories, the Captain Scarlet franchise would give him the real name of Seymour Griffiths and make him a Trinidadian.
  • In PROSE: The Indestructible Man, he is pastiched as Lieutenant Neville Verdana, a communications officer from Barbados.