War and Peace

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War and Peace

War and Peace was a long book. The Eighth Doctor kept a copy in his TARDIS' library. (PROSE: Model Train Set, AUDIO: Storm Warning) Its author was Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy. (AUDIO: The Angel of Scutari) The Eighth Doctor's copy was in the original Russian language and autographed by Tolstoy. (PROSE: War of the Daleks)

The Sixth Doctor carried a first edition of War and Peace in his pockets. (AUDIO: Doctor Who and the Pirates)

When Owen Harper was brought back to life, he jokingly asked Martha Jones if he had enough life left in him to read the book. (TV: Dead Man Walking)

The book was in the Plume Coteries' Library where its title was transformed by [[the most canon man]], making it War and Noodles. After this transformation, its author was listed as Leo Tolstoy. (PROSE: How to Appear Noodles in Several Uneasy Lessons [+]Loading...["How to Appear Noodles in Several Uneasy Lessons (short story)"])