The Doctor's pockets
The Doctor's pockets (either trousers or jacket) often contained large amounts of unusual items. The Tenth Doctor once claimed that his pockets were bigger on the inside. (TV: The Runaway Bride [+]Loading...["The Runaway Bride (TV story)"]) Another time their seemingly impossible capacity was explained by the Doctor having ripped their lining. (PROSE: Frontier Worlds [+]Loading...["Frontier Worlds (novel)"]) The Fourth Doctor, somewhat hypocritically, once told Harry Sullivan that it was a mistake to clutter one's pockets. (TV: The Sontaran Experiment [+]Loading...["The Sontaran Experiment (TV story)"]) The Thirteenth Doctor hated having empty pockets. (TV: The Woman Who Fell to Earth [+]Loading...["The Woman Who Fell to Earth (TV story)"])
Since they contained their own dimension, the Twelfth Doctor once quipped that his pockets had their own postcode. He was capable of transferring this dimension into someone else's pockets. (AUDIO: You Only Die Twice [+]Loading...["You Only Die Twice (audio story)"])
Contents of the Doctor's pockets[[edit] | [edit source]]
First Doctor's pockets[[edit] | [edit source]]
The First Doctor's pockets contained a ballpoint pen, a household thermometer, an oil cap for a car with some oil still in it, two silk handkerchiefs, an inch-long everlasting candle and a box of everlasting matches. (PROSE: Venusian Lullaby [+]Loading...["Venusian Lullaby (novel)"])
Second Doctor's pockets[[edit] | [edit source]]
The Second Doctor's pockets contained a pair of conkers, a yo-yo, a bag of glass marbles, an old banana skin and a needle and thread. (PROSE: Timewyrm: Apocalypse [+]Loading...["Timewyrm: Apocalypse (novel)"])
Later, the Doctor's pockets contained a pair of magnets on strings, a box of drawing pins and a tuning fork. (TV: The Space Pirates [+]Loading...["The Space Pirates (TV story)"])
Prior to his exile on Earth, the Doctor's pockets contained a roll of sticky tape, a pair of scissors and some thin silver wire. (TV: The War Games [+]Loading...["The War Games (TV story)"])
Fourth Doctor's pockets[[edit] | [edit source]]
Shortly following his regeneration, the Fourth Doctor's pockets contained jelly babies, a scroll granting freedom of the city of Skaro, a pilot's licence for the Mars-Venus rocket run, a galactic passport and honorary membership of the Alpha Centauran Table Tennis Club. (TV: Robot [+]Loading...["Robot (TV story)"])
Aboard Nerva Beacon, the Doctor's pockets contained a yo-yo and a cricket ball. (TV: The Ark in Space [+]Loading...["The Ark in Space (TV story)"])
On Skaro, the Doctor's pockets contained the sonic screwdriver, a magnifying glass, a yo-yo and an etheric beam locator. (TV: Genesis of the Daleks [+]Loading...["Genesis of the Daleks (TV story)"])
In 1889 London, the Doctor's pockets contained a yo-yo, a toy Batmobile and a stuffed mouse. (TV: The Talons of Weng-Chiang [+]Loading...["The Talons of Weng-Chiang (TV story)"])
Following Romana's regeneration, the Doctor's pockets contained a copy of Origins of the Universe. (TV: Destiny of the Daleks [+]Loading...["Destiny of the Daleks (TV story)"])
Later, the Doctor's pockets contained a Polaroid camera, a felt tip pen and a mirror. (TV: City of Death [+]Loading...["City of Death (TV story)"])
On Chloris, the Doctor's pockets contained copies of Everest in Easy Stages and Teach Yourself Tibetan. (TV: The Creature from the Pit [+]Loading...["The Creature from the Pit (TV story)"])
Later, the Doctor's pockets contained copies of Finnickan's Planets and So You're Caught in a Rocket Attack, a box of kitchen matches, a bag of gold dust, a yo-yo, an apple core, a magnifying glass and a bag of chocolate money. (PROSE: The Well-Mannered War [+]Loading...["The Well-Mannered War (novel)"])
Fifth Doctor's pockets[[edit] | [edit source]]
The Fifth Doctor's pockets contained non-Earth coins. (TV: Planet of Fire [+]Loading...["Planet of Fire (TV story)"])
Sixth Doctor's pockets[[edit] | [edit source]]
The Sixth Doctor's pockets contained burnt out radio valves, a yo-yo and a neatly wrapped packet of cheddar cheese and chutney sandwiches. (PROSE: Burning Heart [+]Loading...["Burning Heart (novel)"])
On Volnex VI, the Doctor's pockets contained a paper clip, a cigarette lighter, a copy of Burmese Days by George Orwell and a firecracker. (PROSE: Turnabout is Fair Play [+]Loading...["Turnabout is Fair Play (short story)"])
On Ravolox, the Doctor's pockets contained a torch, an oil can, a paper mask, a teddy bear and a bag of sweets. (TV: The Mysterious Planet [+]Loading...["The Mysterious Planet (TV story)"])
Seventh Doctor's pockets[[edit] | [edit source]]
The Seventh Doctor's pockets contained a blue yo-yo, a bag of jelly babies, a Swiss Army penknife, a teddy bear and an etheric beam locator. (PROSE: The Hollow Men [+]Loading...["The Hollow Men (novel)"])
At Margrave University, the Doctor's pockets contained stamps, a fountain pen, antique coins, a universal comms jack and several Earl Grey tea bags. (AUDIO: Animal [+]Loading...["Animal (audio story)"])
On Kirith, the Doctor's pockets contained a Geiger counter, a telescope, some alien coins, a congealed mass of jelly babies, a signed photograph of Louis Armstrong, a mouth organ, and a bag of marbles. (PROSE: Timewyrm: Apocalypse [+]Loading...["Timewyrm: Apocalypse (novel)"])
In Los Angeles, the Doctor's pockets contained a clockwork duck, a fluid link, a pamphlet, a scarab, a lump of gold ore, a piece of chalk, a visa, a disc, a saxophone. (PROSE: Playback [+]Loading...["Playback (short story)"])
Eighth Doctor's pockets[[edit] | [edit source]]
The Eighth Doctor's pockets contained a yo-yo, a broken circuit from the TARDIS' navigation unit, the heating element from an electric kettle and a bag of jelly babies. (PROSE: The Time Lord's Story [+]Loading...["The Time Lord's Story (short story)"])
On Ceres Alpha, the Doctor's pockets contained a bag of jelly babies, a yo-yo and a monocle. (PROSE: Dark Progeny [+]Loading...["Dark Progeny (novel)"])
Later, the Doctor's pockets contained the sonic screwdriver, a radiation detector, a scrawl-covered manuscript, an A-Z of Hitchemus, a ball of string, a disposable camera, two AA batteries, some loose change from various colony worlds and a half-eaten apple. (PROSE: The Tomorrow Windows [+]Loading...["The Tomorrow Windows (novel)"])
At Horton's Orb, the Doctor's pockets contained the sonic screwdriver and several metres of string. (AUDIO: The House on the Edge of Chaos [+]Loading...["The House on the Edge of Chaos (audio story)"])
Ninth Doctor's pockets[[edit] | [edit source]]
The Ninth Doctor once gave Mickey Smith a computer virus on a disc which he pulled from one of his pockets. (TV: World War Three [+]Loading...["World War Three (TV story)"])
Tenth Doctor's pockets[[edit] | [edit source]]
During his confrontation with the Empress of the Racnoss, the Tenth Doctor acquired a remote control for the Roboforms, which he kept in his pockets. When he produced it, he claimed to Donna Noble that it could fit in his pockets as they bigger on the inside. From another pocket, the Doctor produced explosive baubles which, via the remote control, he used to destroy the Racnoss. (TV: The Runaway Bride [+]Loading...["The Runaway Bride (TV story)"])
Later, the Doctor's pockets contained the sonic screwdriver, the psychic paper, a ball of string, anti-radiation pills, a pocket Gallifreyan-Cymraeg phrasebook, a bag of kola nuts, a yo-yo, a collection of coins from a dozen different planets, everlasting matches and the TARDIS key. (PROSE: The Eyeless [+]Loading...["The Eyeless (novel)"])
Eleventh Doctor's pockets[[edit] | [edit source]]
The Eleventh Doctor's pockets contained a doll, a caramel apple and some yarn. (TV: Cold War [+]Loading...["Cold War (TV story)"])
Later, they contained the sonic screwdriver, the psychic paper, a satsuma, a nectarine, a piece of string, a pair of scissors, a carrot, an original Paul E. Wirt pen given to him by Mark Twain, a large key, a computer mouse, a baseball signed by Babe Ruth and a recorder. (PROSE: Shroud of Sorrow [+]Loading...["Shroud of Sorrow (novel)"])
Twelfth Doctor's pockets[[edit] | [edit source]]
After stealing it on his first mission for the Time Agency, (AUDIO: Sunstrike [+]Loading...["Sunstrike (audio story)"]) late in his time with Bill Potts, (AUDIO: Never the End Is [+]Loading...["Never the End Is (audio story)"]) the Twelfth Doctor's pockets contained the keystone, as well as a great number of other objects. (AUDIO: You Only Die Twice [+]Loading...["You Only Die Twice (audio story)"])
Thirteenth Doctor's pockets[[edit] | [edit source]]
The newly regenerated Thirteenth Doctor, still in the clothes of the Twelfth Doctor, found that her pockets were empty; having fallen out of the TARDIS, the Doctor had lost her sonic screwdriver. Acquiring new clothes at a shop, the Doctor noted she had no cash in her pockets as she asked her new friends to pay. (TV: The Woman Who Fell to Earth [+]Loading...["The Woman Who Fell to Earth (TV story)"])
Fourteenth Doctor's pockets[[edit] | [edit source]]
The Fourteenth Doctor had a salt shaker in his pockets, which he used to delay the Not-Things by drawing a line of salt and invoking superstition at the edge of the universe. (TV: Wild Blue Yonder [+]Loading...["Wild Blue Yonder (TV story)"])