New Earth (New Earth)

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New Earth was a planet colonized by the New Earth Empire.

Astronomical Data

New Earth was located in the M87 galaxy. It was especially colonized because it had had similar orbit, size, atmosphere and terrain to Earth. New Earth had at least two large moons or planet in its vicinity, visible in the sky. Apple-grass could also be found on the planet.

Landmarks of New Earth included New New York, which was actually the 15th New York, and the New New York Hospital, a hospital run by the Sisters of Plenitude. (DW: New Earth) There was also a New Atlantic and a New New Jersey somewhere on the planet. (DW: Gridlock)


The planet was originally populated by the Catkind, but when the planet Earth was destroyed in the year 5,000,000,000, the Humans relocated to the planet and named it New Earth. In the year 5,000,000,023 the the Doctor and Rose Tyler visited New Earth because the Doctor had gotten a message from the Face of Boe to visit him. Cassandra O'Brien.Δ17 spotted them with her Robotic Spider. She managed to override the lift at the hospital and made Rose descend to the level she was on. Cassandra took Rose's body and found out the secret that the Sisters of Plenitude were growing Humans to cure all viruses and diseases. The Doctor, with the help of Cassandra in Rose's body, released a medecine to cure them. The remaining Sisters were arrested by the NNYPD and Cassandra passed into her body of her clone, Chip. (DW: New Earth)

The undercity of New Earth.

In 5,000,000,029, a deadly virus mutated from a mood drug and spread across New Earth wiping out the entire above-ground population. The entire undercity was sealed off to protect the population.

In 5,000,000,053, the Doctor and Martha Jones arrived in the undercity. Martha was kidnapped and trapped in the Motorway, an underground traffic route that was supposed to take people to the surface. However, since above-ground was sealed off, the Motorway was essentially an endless circuit of traffic. The Doctor met the Face of Boe for one last time, who died by using his body energy to open up the undercity and the roof of the motorway so that mankind could live on the surface once more. (DW: Gridlock)