A Life of Matter and Death (comic story)

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Revision as of 03:55, 21 November 2010 by Jccalhoun (talk | contribs) (added summary)


After an explosion within the TARDIS, The Doctor and Izzy wake to find themselves on trial by "Jurors of the Limbo Inbetween" to determine whether they will "reside up above or burn in torment down below." After hearing the testimonies of various villains who have been defeated by the Doctor, the two-headed, tentacled judge is about to pass judgment on The Doctor and Izzy when a person in a white gown with a hood-covered face bursts into the courtroom and helps them escape.

The hooded figure is then revealed to actually be a personification of the TARDIS, that the "judge" was actually a "creature of the vortex" that had been sucking the life out of the TARDIS and that this version of The Doctor and Izzy were created by the TARDIS to help it fight off the parasite from within the memory banks of the TARDIS. This version of The Doctor then confronts the parasite who conjures an army of The Doctor's foes to attack him but the TARDIS's version of The Doctor counters by conjuring an army of his own made up of his various friends and allies.

After an epic battle, The TARDIS's Doctor slays the parasite and inside the TARDIS control room the real Doctor and Izzy wake up after being knocked out by the explosion not knowing what happened and go on to their next adventure.



  • In the court room General Ironicus, Josiah W. Dogbolter and Beep the Meep give evidence against the Doctor.
  • The TARDIS creates a 'Doctor' and 'Izzy' from its databanks and memories to ward off the parasite attacking it.
  • Much of 'the Doctor' and 'Izzy's' 'adventure' takes place in interstitial space.
  • When the Doctor conjurs a various of people and creatures to fight, one of them is Shayde.




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