Doctor Who and the Nightmare Game (comic story)

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Doctor Who and the Nightmare Game was a 2003 Eighth Doctor comic story in Doctor Who Magazine. It paired the Eighth Doctor temporarily with an adolescent human companion — something that hadn't been done since Arnold's departure from the Third Doctor's TARDIS in the TV Comic comic story The Amateur. From a behind-the-scenes perspective, it was the only published attempt at the Eighth Doctor for writer Gareth Roberts and penciller Mike Collins.

Summary[[edit] | edit source]

When Delchester United's penalty is blocked by the TARDIS, the Doctor ponders who is operating a Para-static Vortex beam and just what is hidden under Delchester's stadium?

Plot[[edit] | edit source]

to be added

Characters[[edit] | edit source]

Worldbuilding[[edit] | edit source]

Notes[[edit] | edit source]

  • Doctor Who and the Nightmare Game was reprinted in The Flood graphic novel.
  • A flashback is depicted with the limited white-black-red/blue colouring of many old British comics. This later comes up again with the Doctor's lies to the Morg. In further comic pastiches, the Doctor's lie about galactic police is represented by knockoffs of Judge Dredd and the strip ends with a period appropriate tagline to "Join the Doctor for a brand-new adventure next issue, chums!"
  • Mike Collins chooses to portray the Eighth Doctor in a more casual way, such as by replacing his cravat with an unbuttoned shirt.

Continuity[[edit] | edit source]

External links[[edit] | edit source]