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Timeline for 1939
20th century | 1930s

1933 • 1934 • 1935 • 1936 • 1937 • 1938 • 1940 • 1941 • 1942 • 1943 • 1944 • 1945


History of the Doctor Who Universe

August - September

  • 1st September - World War II begins on Earth as Germany invades Poland. The Doctor warned Hitler that Britain and France would declare war if he took this action. (NA: Timewyrm: Exodus)
  • As the war progressed, Reverend Wainwright, the vicar of St Judd church at Maiden's Point, began slowly to lose his faith as the allied bombing campaign inflicted huge civilian casualties on German cities. This doubt began to seep into his sermons and would eventually cost him his life when faced with the Haemovores four years later. (DW: The Curse of Fenric')
  • Commander Millington and Dr Judson are both assigned to the base at Maiden's point at some point during the war. Judson developed the Ultima machine, a sophisticated military decipher device, while Millington became involved in stockpiling a local poisonous gas/liquid secreted underground in the area under orders from the British high command. The two, friends for thirty years, become increasingly bitter and, in their own ways, unstable. Both become obsessed with local Viking myths and Millington constructed a room that is an exact copy of the German decipher headquarters in Berlin. (DW: The Curse of Fenric')

Real World





